Chapter 33 (L/T Arc): No Bones About It

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We last read Chapter 32, in which Lily Ladair and Theo Ladair are directed by their guide and companion, the Talking Skull, to defeat the Twin Bulwarks, two stone golems with differing streaks and markings on their bodies whose hostile behaviors make them great guardians for Prince Boripedes's vast riches, protecting them from potential intruders. However, prompted by the Talking Skull, Lily and Theo instead opt to deal with them in a pacifist manner after realizing that the Twin Bulwarks are only frenzied due to having crystal shard splinters in their fingers. After Lily blasts apart one Bulwark's crystal shard—and Theo slips the other Bulwark's crystal shard right out of its finger—the Bulwarks are finally pacified, and the Talking Skull congratulates the pair of vampires on their victory, promising that the Bulwarks will be okay following the ordeal.

Now having reached the end, the Talking Skull commends the vampiric duo on having come so far, recapping all the exemplary qualities which they have displayed throughout the course of their adventure. To wrap up their time together, the Talking Skull vows to inform Lily and Theo of his backstory whilst on their way to the treasure.

This time, while Lily, Theo, and the Talking Skull are en route to the grand prize, the Skull regales the rather incestuous lovers with how he came into being.....


"You sure this is the way to the treasure, my guy?" Theo asked the Talking Skull cautiously. "It better not be some kind of trap."

"It's not," the Talking Skull promised. "And considering where I come from.....and the connection I have to your family.....I have no reason to lure you into such a thing."

Both Lily and Theo immediately stopped their advance, much to the Skull's confusion.

"Awww, man! What's the big idea?" he exclaimed. "We're almost there!"

"Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no!" Lily asserted. "You can't just casually drop that you're connected to our family without elaborating on it. We're not going anywhere until you let me and my partner in on the whole story."

"Well, it's the least I can do for a pair of determined, brave explorers such as you two. So, listen up!"

Both Lily and Theo sat down on the floor of the passageway, at which point Lily unhooked the Talking Skull from her left hip and gently set him down between her and Theo.

"Many, many centuries ago, I was a human who went by the simple pseudonym 'G'," the talking Skull revealed. "Back when vampires still had trouble coexisting with humans, I eventually became one of the few who had sympathy for them, and I went out of my way to keep them safe from fellow humans those who would instead seek to do them harm.

One day, when I was still a blind, xenophobic individual hunting vampires with my 'friends', I came across an already-injured vampire named Amber, and her dead parents were lying around her, stakes already impaled in their hearts. My two teammates attempted to finish Amber off, but I had a change of heart, and I killed them instead before they had a chance to do so."

By now, Theo was visibly freaking out at the revealed connection, and although Lily was just as shocked, she desperately urged Theo to contain his excitement and questions until after the Talking Skull had finished his explanation.

"Once I rescued Amber, I brought her to a then-isolated vampire sanctuary called the Vermillion Enclave, which still thankfully stands to this day. On arrival, I was initially greeted with suspicion by the Enclave's ruler, Lord Balfort Ladair, but upon affirming my stance on supporting the vampires, he allowed me to hand Amber over to him and permitted me to leave peacefully," the Talking Skull resumed. "After that, I left the Enclave, and never thought I would see Balfort, Amber, or anyone associated with them again.....but that has apparently changed today."

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