Chapter 29 (M/G Arc): Now We Got Bad Blood

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We last read Chapter 28, in which Mavis Ladair a.k.a. Red Fang and her husband Garson—much like Lily Ladair and Theo Ladair before them—discuss the sound waves sent sweeping across the globe by Allie Bannister and the forces of the Diamond Legion many moons ago; sound waves which almost single-handedly eradicated every man on the entire planet and reaped devastating effects on humanity as a whole. Garson confides in Mavis about how terrifying and uncertain the situation was, with him never knowing for sure whether or not he would get out of it alive. Mavis, in turn, reinforces her love for him and expresses her thanks and relief that he survived the tragedy, before going on to reveal that she tried to whisper to him back then, while he laid unconscious, despite not knowing for sure if he was able to listen. Garson then reveals that he did hear her—at least somewhat—and then the two of them share a hug before officially reaching the vicinity of the Vermillion Enclave once more.

Back inside the sanctuary, Lord Balfort Ladair, Lady Amber Ladair, Agnes, and Agnes's steward are busy distributing Balfort and Agnes's "pseudo-cure" tablet to the other vampires in an attempt to curb the effects of the Bloodstone's lack of magic, all while servants and agents of Balfort's are sent to the unofficial Transylvanian capital of Cluj-Napoca to offer their aid in the ongoing OVX pandemic. When Mavis and Garson re-enter the kingdom and meet back up with the other adults, Balfort and the others are quick to greet them, but relief soon turns to fear and apprehension after Mavis brings up Prince Boripedes to Balfort. Balfort, who had been worried about this occurrence from the start, promptly faints on the spot, at which point Agnes snarks that she warned him that this would eventually happen.

This time, Balfort confers with Mavis and Garson in private and reveals the whole story between him, Amber, and Prince Boripedes.....


-Balfort Ladair's Room, Ladair Castle, Vermillion Enclave, Transylvania-

Lord Balfort Ladair frustratedly stormed into his room within Ladair Castle, with his daughter Mavis Ladair a.k.a. Red Fang and her husband Garson power-walking in right behind him.

"Great. Just great. First, I work tirelessly with Agnes to try and find a way to cure the vampires' visage decay. Then, I have to send some partially-cured vampires to Cluj-Napoca to help the citizens out with some kind of outbreak," Balfort fumed. "And now, here you two are, running around and sticking your nose into places where it shouldn't be.....when all I tasked you with doing is finding the Bloodstone!"

"I apologize, okay? We had to.....wait, there is a pandemic sweeping across Cluj-Napoca?" Mavis inquired, effectively doing a double-take. "When did that start?"

"Boripedes now, pandemic later!"

"Just tell me who he is, Father!" Mavis pleaded. "I deserve to know. Garson needs to know. The others need to know. Was this 'Prince Boripedes' telling the truth, or was he simply delusional?"

This was Balfort's last chance to try and turn things around. If he really didn't feel like telling Mavis, Garson, or anyone else the truth about Prince Boripedes—and continue upholding his and Agnes's vow to keep the prince's existence a secret until their deaths—now would be the time to double back. He could've told Mavis that Prince Boripedes was mentally unstable and that he thought he was royalty when he really wasn't. He could've told her that he had never heard of Prince Boripedes in his entire life and that Mavis and Garson had been heavily distracted in trying to entertain him.

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