Chapter 17 (M/G Arc): An Unlikely Rescuer

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We last read Chapter 16, in which Mavis Ladair, a.k.a. Red Fang, and her husband Garson barely evade severe injury at the hands of a frenzied pack of wolves.....which were actually roused by the strange blood creature Virulis in an attempt to finish them off in return for them trashing the Nuka Bistro, Chef Cedric's prized restaurant, earlier that morning. After a while of the couple frantically weaving around the rocks, roots, and tree branches poking up and around the surrounding woods, Red Fang eventually turns around and bisects the underbellies of about half the pack using her incredibly sharp spiked vambraces, causing them to collapse and rapidly bleed out. Meanwhile, Garson hurriedly rushes towards a hill-like mound and begins quickly climbing up it, using the protruding roots as handholds to steady himself.....only to lose his grip on one of them and end up hanging only by one hand just above a swarm of several wolves. Right when he is about to close his eyes and accept his would-be demise, Red Fang comes to his rescue by "climbing" up the mound as leaping from wolf to wolf and severely draining each of them as she does so. Now free of pursuers---but still dangling for their lives on the side of the mound---the pair are aided and pulled to safety by an allegedly new face: a male vampire with a sleek black suit, a dark wrap-around cape, and shimmering gold highlights around both his outfit and his face. When Red Fang politely asks for the male vampire's identity, he introduces himself as Boripedes, though he makes sure to keep his title secret. 

This time, Red Fang and Garson learn more about their rescuer, and take him up on his offer of safety for the time being.....


"'Boripedes'?" Red Fang repeated, raising an eyebrow with interest since she had never heard of him before in any way, shape, or form. She was also still unaware that Boripedes was Balfort's younger brother, and therefore her uncle by proxy; as far as she knew, he was just another random vampire. "What might you be doing out here, all by yourself? The Vermillion Enclave is a much better location; you should take up residence there!

Yes.....I, too, thought it was much better..... Boripedes mused internally. Oh, how wrong I was.....

"Apparently, I've built quite the negative name for myself within the Enclave," Boripedes audibly answered. "So, I was made to leave, and I've been venturing forward on my own ever since. Mostly." 

"Preposterous!" the Crown Princess insisted. "Come! We shall take you back to the sanctuary. My father, Lord Balfort Ladair, would be pleased to welcome you!" 

Boripedes seethed inwardly at the mention of his treacherous older brother's name, but he hid it from both Red Fang and Garson for the time being. It had been several centuries since he, Balfort, and Amber had been caught up in a rather royal love triangle with each other.....a love triangle which Balfort ultimately won after using the magic of the Compulseblooms to coerce Boripedes into attempting to steal the Bloodstone, resulting in the vampire prince's expulsion from the Enclave and excommunication from most, if not all, of the other vampires. 

He knew that what Red Fang was saying was a lie; Balfort would, in fact, not be pleased to welcome Boripedes to the Enclave after the bad blood which the two men had shared in the past. But the lost prince chose to let patience win out over impulsivity, and opted to play the long game once again. In fact, he potentially saw an opportunity to work this chance meeting to his advantage.....but for that, he needed one more vital piece of information. 

".....Your father is Lord Balfort Ladair?" Boripedes inquired curiously. Not only had his older sibling's name been brought up again, but this new vampire whom he had just rescued seemingly had familial ties to him. "Interesting. And who might you be, young lady?" 

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