Chapter 35 (L/T Arc): Wealthusian's Wrath

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We last read Chapter 34, in which Lily Ladair briefly talks a little more to the Talking Skull about the latter's extensive backstory as the human known by the pseudonym "G", who was responsible for bringing the injured vampire Amber to the Vermillion Enclave and allowing the royal family to expand as a result. Lily wonders aloud if there's any way to free the Talking Skull's soul from its vessel, but the Skull confesses that he doesn't know of any feasible way to do so, and instead requests Lily and Theo to grant him a spot in the royal family; though Lily initially expresses doubt and informs him that Balfort makes all the decisions, the Talking Skull remains optimistic, but not before cryptically alluding to the existence of one final threat within Prince Boripedes's treasury. 

Soon, the three of them---Lily Ladair, Theo Ladair, and the Talking Skull---reach said treasury and marvel at its beauty, with its shimmering and shining gold, blue, and purple hues resembling those of an ancient temple. They immediately get to "work", with the Talking Skull directing Theo to some collection sacks on the eastern wall while Lily instantly leaps onto the huge and wide mound of treasure in the middle of the chamber and ecstatically makes "snow angels" on it.....while the Talking Skull also reveals that none of this treasure actually belongs to Boripedes and is instead taken from some of the richest people in Cluj-Napoca. 

However, much to Lily and Theo's horror, the massive pile of treasure in the middle of the room begins moving all by itself, and morphs itself into a huge, hulking, behemoth-like monstrosity composed of the treasure itself, perpetually emitting the sound of jingling coins, having two light blue-colored circles near its head to represent its "eyes", and having the numerous precious gemstones embedded into its body. The monster is so huge that it almost touches the ceiling of the treasury, with Lily and Theo only coming up to its heel; the Talking Skull then introduces the monster as "Wealthusian". 

This time, Lily and Theo prove once and for all that they are worthy of the treacherous prince's riches.....


"O, pentru dragostea pentru tot ceea ce este sfânt (Oh, for the love of all that is holy)....." Lily Ladair muttered. "What are we looking at?!" 

"That's Wealthusian," the Talking Skull repeated. "A long time ago, Prince Boripedes enchanted his vast collection of riches so that they would swiftly rise against anyone who wasn't their rightful owner. Many others have tried to claim it---without my help---but have unfortunately been slain by the very treasures they've craved, a grave warning to all who would dare to steal from him.....such as you two."

Theo Ladair's jaw was practically agape. "The.....the treasure is alive?! ......Dude, that's AWESOME!

As if to instantly prove Theo wrong, Wealthusian held a closed right fist---composed entirely of the gold coins, of course---towards Lily, Theo, and the Talking Skull, then opened it.....and dropped several skeletal remains at the vampires' feet, including one ribcage, two femurs, a detached mandible with no upper skull to accompany it, a left tibia, and a right fibula. 

".....That's a lot less awesome," Theo immediately backspaced, gulping nervously. "Hey, Skull! How do we beat this thing?!" 

"WEALTHUSIAN ONLINE," the treasure construct announced in a masculine-sounding automated voice. "VAULT INTRUDERS DETECTED. DEFENSE SYSTEMS INITIATED." 

On cue, specific segments of the supporting pillars at the four corners of the massive square-shaped room moved out of the way to reveal numerous laser turrets embedded beneath them.....and each and every turret was currently aimed at the two vampires. 

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