Chapter 39 (C-Arc): The Line Of Succession

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We last read Chapter 38, in which Mavis Ladair a.k.a. Red Fang, her husband Garson, and her father Lord Balfort Ladair are rejoined by Lily Ladair, Theo Ladair, and the Talking Skull shortly after the latter three's failed attempt to rob Prince Boripedes of his great amassed fortune, with the Talking Skull revealing his identity as the former human "G" to Balfort. Together, the six of them piece together Prince Boripedes's grand scheme, which involved his associate Virulis visiting Chef Cedric and playing on the latter's desire for revenge in order to initiate the OVX pandemic as both a "distraction"  and a way to lure some vampires to their doom, as well as likely sending himself or Virulis to steal the Bloodstone from the Vermillion Enclave, thereby causing the gradual decay of all the vampires' visages. Red Fang points out that she noticed Prince Boripedes's lack of visage decay during her and her husband Garson's brief visit to Boripedes's island, an observation that led her to the above conclusion. With her father, Balfort, being the only one in the group unaware of the exact location of Prince Boripedes's island, he tasks Red Fang, Garson, Lily, Theo, and the Talking Skull with guiding him there, that he may finally have closure on the bad blood between him and Boripedes. On the way out, Lily casually kills the last active member of Chef Cedric's vampire-hunting squad, and Garson—after assuring Balfort that the humans can take care of both the infected and the vampire casualties—momentarily doubles back and steals Cedric's crossbow and a few bolts, determined to remain useful in the upcoming vampire-centered conflict despite being him being a human.

This time, Balfort, Red Fang, Garson, Lily, Theo, and the Talking Skull arrive at the shoreline of the ocean separating Romania's main landmass from Prince Boripedes's island, and confront the nefarious, scheming prince at long last.....


-Boripedes's Camp, Romanian Coast-

Lord Balfort Ladair, Mavis Ladair a.k.a. Red Fang, her husband Garson, Lily Ladair, and Theo Ladair—with the Talking Skull still hooked up to Lily's left hip—arrived at the edge of Romania's main landmass, with a huge body of calm water between them and the island which hosted Prince Boripedes's base. Red Fang had informed Balfort that the temple ruins on it were nothing more than a convenient disguise, to ensure that no one would ever get suspicious of neither the island nor the extensive networks and labyrinths hidden below it. A few steps behind them sat the remnants of Boripedes's camp; the exact same place where the treacherous prince had initially brought Red Fang and Garson after saving them from a wolf attack intentionally engineered by his associate Virulis.

"So this is where Boripedes has resided all this time......" Balfort mused. "I must admit, I did not think he would settle down so close to home....."

"What you did to him was immensely short-sighted," Red Fang condemned. "But.....part of me still follows you."

"Why? Why, even after you've learned what I did to him before?"

".....Because you birthed me. And Theo, too. And adopted Lily. You and Mother made us all who we are today.....and that is an act we can likely never repay. I am disgusted that you kicked him out of the Enclave so you could win the 'love triangle' and have her, but if Boripedes had ended up with her instead....." She looked at Lily and Theo, both of whom had very uncomfortable looks on their faces. ".....then I fear for what could have been. I truly do."

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