Chapter 40 (C-Arc): Family Issues

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We last read Chapter 39, in which Lord Balfort Ladair, Mavis Ladair a.k.a. Red Fang, her husband Garson, Lily Ladair, Theo Ladair, and the Talking Skull all stood on the shore of Prince Boripedes's former camp, facing the latter's island which loomed ominously in the distance. Balfort once again profusely apologizes to his present family for his sketchy actions in "building" the Ladair royal family, and while Red Fang makes it known that she's still disappointed in him, she still follows him because for one thing, he's her father, and for another, he raised her and Theo—and adopted Lily—and looked after them with all the diligence and care of a true parent, while also expressing discomfort and slight disgust at how things would have turned out if Boripedes had married Balfort's wife, Lady Amber Ladair, instead. To everyone's brief shock, Garson reveals that he stole Chef Cedric's crossbow and a few crossbow bolts to help him have an edge against Boripedes, and though Red Fang implores him to stay behind, he insists on going anyway, for his wife's sake, while Lily and Theo discuss another attempt at obtaining Boripedes's vast riches following his downfall.

After Balfort checks with the family one more time—and also has a moment of reconnection with the Talking Skull—everyone ventures off to Prince Boripedes's island, where Balfort tries one more time to get Boripedes to forgive him and back down. Not only is Boripedes too consumed by vengeance and Balfort's alleged betrayal to listen, but he apparently also fatally skewers Balfort in the heart with a hidden stake right in front of Red Fang, much to her hysterical devastation. As she tries to rush forward—with her husband Garson jumping in and preventing her from charging recklessly at a still-armed Boripedes—Lily practically blows a gasket and declares that it's Boripedes's time to die, officially initiating the charge.

This time, a massive scuffle ensues in the island hideout, and our remaining heroes eventually try to escape with what they came for.....


Virulis hissed with excitement and split its huge, hulking, behemoth-like body apart and reformed it in the shape of five smaller, more humanoid warriors about the height of both Lily Ladair and Theo Ladair. Their bodies appeared to be completely composed of a viscous fluid that was colored with a very saturated shade of red, and all five of them had Virulis's perfectly-round mouth laced with incredibly sharp teeth along all of its edges. Lastly, they wielded dark red tridents which were typical in design; namely, a long shaft ending in three sharp prongs.

"The Bloodssssstone hasssss boosssssted me....." Virulis taunted, with all five of the blood warriors' mouths moving at the exact same time, as though Virulis was now some kind of hive mind. "You ssssstand no chance....."

"What has that blasted Boripedes done to my blood?!" the Talking Skull exclaimed from Lily's left hip as he glanced around at all five adversaries. "Does the extent of his magic know any bounds?!"

Lily unsheathed her insanely-durable flute and twirled it in her right hand like it was some kind of staff.

"Talk later, fight now!" Lily argued instead, while Theo readied his electric guitar to weaponize his music once more. "And be careful!"

The Skull somehow "rolled" his eye sockets. "I'm a skull, so I can't fight, but okay....."

The five warriors—which were all technically "Virulis"—slowly closed in around Lily, Theo, and the Talking Skull, hissing intimidatingly and brandishing their tridents.

"Any lassssst wordsssss?" they all spoke at the same time. "Otherwissssse, ssssso long....."

A small smile played on Lily's fanged lips as she looked directly at the "head" of the one currently staring her down.

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