𝗢𝟱 ─── 𝗱𝗿𝗮𝗸𝗲𝗻 𝘅 𝘁𝗮𝗸𝗲𝗺𝗶𝗰𝗵𝗶

911 21 1

"If only you loved me the way I loved you" 

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"If only you loved me the way I loved you" 

No time leaping just yandere shit 

Takemichi (P.O.V.)

I sat on the couch in the living room, eagerly staring at the clock. My boyfriend will be here soon. Dinner consisting of lasagna and iced water lay set on the dinner table.

I checked every nook and cranny to make sure everything was perfect. One wrong move and I would end up with another broken limb.

The time was currently 18:25. Draken would be here in 5 minutes. I have to do this now. I can't live like this anymore.

I stood from the couch and made my way into the bedroom. I opened my closet and took out an old rusty shoebox. I opened it and inside was a bottle of "Rat Poison".

I clutched it tight in my hands before shoving it in my pocket and shutting the shoebox, returning it to its hiding place and making my way to the kitchen.

In there, grabbing the pill bottle out of my pocket and grabbing a spoon from the spoon, I began crushing the pills till they were reduced to powder.

I thoroughly washed the spoon and headed back to the dining table, the powder in one hand and the pill bottle in the other.

I gently sprinkled some on the lasagna. I'd have to remember where I sprinkled it when cutting the lasagna.


The creaking of the front door interrupted me as I quickly grabbed the pill bottle and shoved it in my pocket.

"Babe, I'm home"  I heard the dreaded voice of my boyfriend, Draken.

I didn't respond. I was too scared. What if he already knows what I did? What if he installed cameras in the house? What if?..

"Takemichi?" I gasped as I looked up to see my boyfriend, Draken in front of me. In his hand was a napkin. Wiping off god knows whoever's blood that was on his hands.

"Why didn't you answer when I called?" His voice was low and eerie.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Draken. I must've been distracted." I replied, avoiding eye contact with him.

"Ok let's have dinner" He answered swiftly before gently pushing me away to wash his hands.

I let out a sigh of relief and made my way to the table. 

I sat on the far end of the table and long after, Draken joined, sitting on my opposite.

He stared at me intensely, making sure that my posture was just right, my elbows were not on the table and that the food was laid out just how he liked.

He always did that. Looking for anything - even just a little thing so he could criticize me about it. If I had known he would turn out like this, I would have never even spoken to him.

After what seemed like an eternity- he nodded his head- signaling me to start serving him. I stood up from my chair and grabbed the knife I had placed near the lasagna.

I stared at the lasagna. Shit. Where did I sprinkle the powder again? I was so nervous that I completely forgot about the powder when he cornered me in the kitchen.

I bit my tongue. I'm done for. "Takemichi what's wrong?" Draken called out to me, a smirk on his face.

He knows.

My heart was stuck in my throat- I didn't know what to do. Fuck it. I couldn't just stand there forever.

With a shaking hand, I tried to cut the lasagna into a slice. I didn't know where I had sprinkled the powder. I was guessing-praying that I was right or it was over for me.

After I cut out a slice, I cut out mine and made my way to Draken.

I grabbed and looked at Draken- just to find that he was already staring at her.

"Bon appetite, my love" He said before taking a bite of the lasagna. I did the same. I chewed until a sudden crunch caught my attention.

Strange; I don't remember putting anything crunchy into the lasagna. Unless- 

I swiftly looked at Draken, who was silently eating his food.

"Draken" I said "Did you put anything in my food?" "I'm only returning the favour" He replied.

I felt sick- did he put poison in my food?!? It suddenly hit me, he did it when I was distracted.

I ran to the bathroom, ready to puke out the poison I just swallowed but it was too late.

I started feeling light-headed, the effects were already kicking in.

I fell to the ground and started sobbing. Why did it have to end like this?

Draken came up behind me and enveloped me in a hug. "At least we can die together." He whispered into my ear.

"You bastard! I don't wanna die with you!" I cried even louder. He simply responded by hugging me even tighter.

My eyes started feeling heavy.

I looked up at Draken's face one last time to see him also struggling to stay awake.

"I hate you Draken" I cursed him. My heartbeat started slowing down but even in my last moments- I never needed him as much as he needed me.

A single tear fell from Draken's eyes as he hugged Takemichi tighter.

"If only you loved me the way I loved you." 

If there are any corrections please tell me

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If there are any corrections please tell me

Love yaaa !! 


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