Chapter 14 - 6

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-Izukus P.O.V-
I plead at the two adults to make it stop.

"What do you mean? Kiddo, you gotta tell us so we can help you." Aizawa steps in and pulls me into a tighter hug. One hand around my hip, not waist and the other around my neck.

"Kid, whenever you can please tell us. We'll help you, but you gotta speak." I open my mouth but no words come out. My own hands flock to my waist, trying to stop the feeling and replace their filthy hands with my own, their words with mine, their opinions with mine, their laughter with mine. I'm not their kid anymore, but I definitely didn't feel like anyone's kid. I don't belong here, they don't want me here. Wait, no. If they didn't want me here then they wouldn't have asked me to be here. They wouldn't have signed the papers either.

"Kid, hey, you're okay. What is wrong?" I shake and my breathing picks up. The feeling becomes more intense.

"T-the ha-ands. They are e-everywh-where. I-it's d-dirty." He seems to understand me. I sob into his shoulder. No one could stop the feeling. Ice packs didn't work. Showering wouldn't work. Crying and screaming doesn't work. Nothing was working. Suddenly I'm brought to their couch. Aizawa and Hizashi hug me  tightly, and avoid areas that trigger me. I like that they care and it does help.

"Did you know sea otters hold hands?" I shake my head, confused by what Hizashi's intent is.

"It's true! Sometimes they'll fall asleep like that's and just peacefully float down the river." The idea sounds nice. I imagine them floating down the stream, asleep in one another's arms.

"Cows have best friends." A different, quieter, and deeper voice speaks.

"They'll run around fields chasing eachother and I bet you that they moo about other cows together." I listen in on them.

"Crocodiles cannot stick their tongues out." My tears subside, they don't disappear but they calm down. The hands are still there but the voices that came with them stopped. I sit there, cradled by the pair. My hands loosen around my waist, one stays put and the other travels up and shields my chest.

"Penguins mate for life so the male penguin proposes with a rock, he'll often try and find the smoothest one and if he doesn't find one that he feels is suitable, he'll steal one." The fact warms my heart, I don't care what they're doing because whatever it is, it's working.

"A group of butterflies is called a kaleidoscope." Some of the hands fade away, but the ones that stay, their presence gets stronger. My breathing hitches. My hands grip my body tighter, my legs fold closer to me, my body folds in on itself and into a more condensed form. Their hug only gets tighter. I lean into it for comfort. It feels like a very slow paced flashback.

"Hey, little listener, do you think you're going to have a flashback?" I rock back and forth, trying to get it all to stop.

"I-I d-dont want I-it to h-happen. P-please don't l-let it h-happen." I manage to get the words out through chocked sobs and gasps for air.

"Kid, we can't stop it from happening if it does. We'll try, but if we don't, we'll help you, okay?" I nod and feel something shift. I see hizashi return with an ice pack and a blanket. He sits down.

I don't know when, but I know that now I'm back at my mother and fathers house. My mom strikes me across the face. I sob, how could she do that? My dad walks through the door and my sobs only thicken. She strikes me again, and harder this time. My dad walks up to me. He grips my face and forces it up to meet his. I feel his hands touch where he shouldn't have touched. I try to push him off but it won't happen. I feel a sharp stingy pain on my back. I grab at it and hold the ice pack in my hands. My surroundings fade. I realize I'm still in their arms, sobbing, and screaming no. I look around and as soon as I realize it was a flashback I break down into tears. So many tears pour down my cheeks.

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