Chapter 11

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hey y'all so like i'm gonna ask my crush out on the 12th so pray for me

jisung POV

oh my fucking God my day cannot get any worse. im tired of getting yelled by my fat ass excuse if a boss, fucked up looks from customers, rude comment by my co-workers, and to top it off my bestie isn't here.

i wanna go home and relax in a bubble bath with roses and wine and maybe even get some di-

"excuse me, can i order?" i hear a pretty voice snapping me out of my thoughts. "yeah if course what can i get-" my smile fades as i see the weird purple haired guy from a few shifts ago. "you." i finish my sentence with venom in my voice. "i would like one americano, an iced coffee, and a cheesecake." the man says with a smile on his face that seems genuine and sincere, but looks sinister. "sure, is that all?" and say writing down his order. "uhm actually just one more thing." "and what would that be?" i say annoyed at the unusual happy tone.

"your number."

great now he wants my fucking number. what else could you possibly want you fucking purple hair fat a-

wait a minute

he wants my number?!

i snap my head up to see him smiling at me, still. "the names minho." he says with a hint of smug in his voice. "what?" i say completely confused. "my name, for the order?" he says rising his eyebrows at me but still keeping a smile on his face. "oh yeah right" i say writing down his name.

"and for the guy your going to be texting tonight." bitch what?! i look at him with another confused face before he walks away with a smile on his face.


"order for minho!" i yell out looking at the bag. why the fuck am i doing this? i mean i did say i wanted some di-. "oh that's me." i hear a cheery voice. "here's your order have a good day sir." i say making eye contact and slightly caressing his hand as i give him his order.

"thanks han." he says giving me the 5th smile of the night. "how do you know my name?" i say giving him a weird look. "it's on your name tag silly!" he says pointing to my name tag. right, your fucking name tag dumbass. "i'll text you later cutie." the man says before leaving with his stuff.


hey cutie remember me?

why the hell did i give that weirdo my number?

kinda pulled this one out of my ass since i'm tryna study all i can for spring break cuz as soon as i go back it's exam time😭

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