Pre chapter 3

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Minho POV

 "Minho hyung, how could you go through my stuff like that?!" Felix yells at me. "I'm sorry for being concerned about you when you go in your room and straight to your laptop and whenever one of the members are around you shut it off! You've even changed all your passwords!" " Regardless of that, that doesn't matter. It doesn't give you a right to steal my laptop and go through it. All of that stuff in there is private!" "So you looking at some porn star 25/8 is so private that it's on all your devices and has caused you to become secretive? Wow, that makes total sense!" Felix's face begins to turn red in embarrassment as he continues to scream and argue with me.

How can you blame me for being curios when your crush starts being shady and mysterious out of nowhere? I mean I tried to confront him about it but then he started acting like I was the one being all suspicious and paranoid. 

*Three hours earlier*                                                                

*Still Minho POV*

Lately Felix has been weird. He's been going straight to his room and not talking to anyone. He's also been washing his sheets a lot and taking longer showers. I asked him if he was okay and he said he was fine but he doesn't seem fine. My Felix never acts like that. Something was telling me to go through his computer so I did. But I had to figure out a way to get it and get into it because I remember trying to get into it to log into my email and the password didn't work. I could ask him if I could use it to order something online. But would that work? Felix is pretty smart, he figures things out very easily. Oh well, it's worth a shot. Better to try than fail I guess.

As I walked to Felix's room I heard groaning. It almost sounded like he was in pain. I rattled on the door knob but it was locked. "Felix, hey, are you ok? Why is your door locked? Let me in! "I hear shuffling and then a heavy, loud thud. "Felix open the door! Are you okay!?" Finally the sort swings open, revealing a sweaty, red Felix panting. " Sorry hyung I was busy doing something. Was there anything you needed? " He asks with a suspicious smile. "Yeah, your computer." " What, why? What are you gonna do with it? "" Nothing I just need it to order something online. My computer is lagging. " I say with a nervous, awkward smile. Felix narrows his eyes at me, like he could see right through my lies. After a few seconds of him staring into my soul he finally gives an answer. "Sure hyung just give me a second to finish up some work." He says with a off smile. He slams the door in my face and not even seconds later I hear rapid clicking and tapping on his keyboard. He opens the door and gives me his laptop with that same off smile. "Please give it back to me as soon as your done and do NOT go exploring into my stuff." " Ok I won't it's not like you have anything to hide right, Lix?" He responds with a nod. 

I try to get the computer out his hands but I can't. "Uhh Lix are u going to let it go?" " oh yeah, sorry hyung." I feel his eyes stare holes into my back as I walk back to my room with his laptop. Jeez, for someone with tiny hands he sure has a strong grip. Anyway, I lock my door and put my chair up against it. I am not losing this chance to see what Felix has been hiding. Sitting down on my bed an hour has gone by and I still can't find anything. Fuck what ever he was trying to hide it must have been really valuable. Hoping back to the home page I think of giving up and just returning the computer and just coming to the conclusion I'm just too obsessed with Felix. But something tells me to check his bank statements. "What..... in the actual Fuck!?!? " He's fucking $-7564230 in debt?! What in the actual hell is he spending his money on? I scroll down to see a bunch of donations to a fucking streamer names HanJi. Who the fuck is that? I slam down on the keyboard accidentally exiting out of the tab, and going back to the home page. "Shit!" I didn't mean to exit out of it. How the he'll do I go back? I'm the top right corner I see a.file named HanJi. That's the streamer Felix has been giving literally all his money to. I click on the file and almost immediately hundreds of screen recordings of some dude fucking himself. 

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