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First hour in the morning, the six companions left the village of Bree and stepped into the wild. None of them spoke much. The little ones were probably scared and the other two just preferred to be quiet.

At certain times Elbereth would talk to Aragorn but always in elvish. She thought whatever they talked about was nobody's concern except theirs. The princess had stepped on this Earth for centuries now and her father had been insisting of the dangers of talking out loud among ones who don't hold your trust. Besides, having wraiths around, speaking elvish was the safest option for her.

Sometimes they would feel the Ringwraiths getting close... but they would always end up farthing away.

"Where are you taking us?" Asked Frodo. These hobbits didn't know better than to ask questions all the blessed time, and it was starting to annoy the princess a bit. Still she didn't intervene. She knew better than to let her annoyance get the best of her good self.

"Into the wild." Said the ranger, not stopping his pace with Bill —a pony they had bought in Bree before leaving, to carry their stuff— to catch up with the she-elf that was leading the way. They kept walking for the whole day. The hobbits whispered to each other while they walked.

"How do we know this Strider and this Thuringwethil are friends of Gandalf?" Asked Merry. Frodo answered. "I think a servant of the enemy would look fairer, feel fouler..."  The Brandybuck still wasn't convinced. "They are both foul enough..." That comment made Pippin frown and question his cousin's statement. "How is she foul?".

"The elf only ever speaks in elvish with Strider. Talking about something she doesn't want us to hear. I don't like it." Merry had a point, noted the other three hobbits. She really did seem suspicious. But not foul. During their few days on the road, they found out that she was not as serious as she seemed. She was always jumping, smiling, laughing. At least around Strider. Acting like a little child who had been taken to the park. And her voice —even if she just spoke in elvish— was like listening to a chorus of angels. No one could ever think a person like that felt foul.

"Well... we have no choice but to trust them both." Said Frodo, ending the argument. Aragorn finally caught up with the she-elf who unsurprisingly had heard the hobbits whispering with her acute pointy ears. She did not seem to mind. And she had no wish of Estel to trouble himself either. For the ranger was not fond of people talking bad about him behind his back. Neither him nor any men in Arda.

"Daro caul ech Estel. Ed na- ú balla ed (Don't burden yourself, Estel. It's not worth it.)" The ranger just looked up at her and gifted the elven lady a small smile. Then Aragorn heard Sam whispering a bit too loud to be considered a whisper. "But where are they leading us..?"

The ranger sighed. He could understand that they were nervous and didn't know whether to trust them or not. They were really just a pair of strangers that happened to be spying on them, being suspicious all the time and now they were taking them somewhere they didn't know. They deserved to know.

"To Rivendell, Master Gamgee. to the house of Elrond..." Responded Aragorn while he walked, keeping his stare on the path and the trees before him.

Sam's look of curiosity was replaced by one of excitement.

The hobbit had always loved elves. He enjoyed being in the presence of them even if that had only happened twice. The first one in the woods with Frodo. And now they were travelling with one. They seemed a bit cold but it was a weird reassuring one. Probably elfs' stuff, Sam always thought.

Sam 'whispered' excitedly to the other three halflings. "Did you hear that?! Rivendell. We're going to see the elves!"


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