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The light of those who rule this Earth is not likely given to others who desire it. But when life is at risk and the deeds have been many, an outlier is to be expected...

Sometimes there are no deeds made. But the ones forecasted are the purest. That may be what happened in the once Greenwood, which still stands strong and thriving these days. But gloom and precariousness filled those hours where the recently forged soul, of one who carried ancient blood, was to shatter.

Not a moon had she been alive and inexistent were the healers that could spare her life. Not even that who dwelled in the Hidden Valley.

It was at this moment when the oddity had to come into being. No elf could explain this illness, like none either could explain such a miracle. But it happened, nonetheless.

Light bloomed in the daughter of Kings, like the stars in the cleanest sky. And so was the reason for the name of such child.



Dark were starting to become the moons of late. Three thousand years has it been since the Servant of Morgoth was defeated. But no more.

The third age is coming to an end. For the weapon of the enemy has been found.

Ten will be the ones who are to destroy such evil in its birth bed. It's one of them that carries the threat, but more will be the ones to succumb to its poisoning power.

But every darkness needs light, for there to be a balance. And so shall there be.

On account of this, hearts shall be chased. Hearts shall be found. And hearts shall rejoice.

Those hearts, according to the prophecy of the year 2000 of the second age, will belong to the one who carries the same blood as the light of the Greenwood and that whom belongs among the White Towers of the South.

Yet the path is treacherous, and the future, uncertain.


Even the smallest light can change the course of the future...

𝙰 𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚍𝚊𝚛𝚔𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚜 [Aralas story & self insert(OC)]Where stories live. Discover now