Summer fling (3)

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Kelly's POV

It was now some time after 5 o clock, meaning it was the end of the day, all the kids had now left the camp and we were left to put away all the equipment.

Unfortunately Stella and Darren didn't make it to the water activities today so they will be doing them tomorrow.

"Kelly...can I have a word please?" I hear ranger dan asked as he comes down to the boat ramp where I'm tying the boat in.

"Erm yeah sure? Matt can you take over" I ask Matt as he looks over at me from where he was hanging the lifevest up. He nods and puts the checklist down as he comes over to finish tying the boats in.

I walk up to Dan as he turns around "my office please" he says as I nod and we both start walking towards his office.

He opens the door and points to a chair in front of his desk as I sit down and look at him confused "sounds serious, is everything alright? Have I don't something wrong, I feel like I've been dragged into the principals office" I say chuckling as Dan sits at his desk and looks at me

"I was hoping you could tell me, I received this complaint from one of your camp mates this afternoon" Dan says turning a complaints letter towards me, as I start to read it.

It was a list of complaints made against me, it said I'm inappropriately touching the girls in the camp, bullying other camp mates, and swearing in front of the kids.

"What this is bullshit...who wrote this?" I shout shoving the letter back "they asked to stay anonymous, I want you to explain why someone would say this about you" Dan says as I lean forward "Dan you've known me for years, you were my dads best friend, you know this is complete bogus" I tell him as he places the letter in a file.

"I have to take these type of complaints seriously, I will need to investigate into it, so just for tomorrow take the day off, stay away from anyone who you think may have a grudge against you" Dan says as it clicks who the complaint may have come from.

"That rat bastard" I groan as Dan looks at me "excuse me?" He asks as I shake my head "Tyler did this...he's hated me from the minute he first saw me, Dan you can't side line me, it's all a bunch of lies to try get me kicked out, he's just mad at me because the girl he likes, likes me" I tell him as Dan sighs and gives me a look to say I was right. "Kelly why does trouble always seems to follow you when it comes down to girls" Dan says with a slight chuckle as I shrug.

"Beginning to ask myself the same question..." I say as I stand up and look at Dan "please don't sit me out tomorrow, I enjoy it here, heck you can keep your eyes on me tomorrow and I'll show you them complaints are all lies, the reviews speak for themselves it's my name the kids remember when they go home to their parents, and they mention my name saying I made an impact on them surely that stands for something" I say as Dan sighs again.

"Fine, you got me there, the kids do seem to love you, but I'll be watching you closely" Dan says pointing at me as I smile and nod "Thankyou, trust me, I'm not going to let you down" I tell him as I walk out his office.

I walk back down to the lake where Matt has now finished tidying up as he locks the equipment shed up "what was all that about?" Matt asks me walking over to me "oh Tyler...he's put a bunch of complaints in about me, but jokes on him as I don't think he realises Ranger dan is actually an old family friend of my dads, so he says he will investigate obviously but I don't think it's going to do that just means Tyler is just going to keep trying" I say as we start heading up to the cabins.

"Are you going to tell Stella?" Matt asks me as I shrug "do you think I should, he is her best mate? I'd hate for it to drive a wedge between us" I ask as Matt just hums "yeah that's a toughie, I'd hate to be you right now, but good luck" he says patting my back as he starts running

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