The dress (20)

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Kelly's POV

Halloween had now been and gone, much to Stella's disappointment of course as she was enjoying helping herself into the leftover halloween candy's, suddenly having a craving and grown love for the jelly eyeballs but no where selling them anymore, and she had ran out of the bulk lot we bought when everywhere were selling all their Halloween candy off the next day, but as Halloween ends, thanksgiving and Christmas were just beginning so that gave her plenty of opportunities to find a new craving.

With Halloween finished and the month of November starting that also meant the end of year winter ball was also in the works, as it became to topic of every one's conversation at school, well everyone's excepts mine and Stella's, we haven't actually spoke about it, and I'm not sure if Stella even wants to go.

I made my way through the sports block after coming from the field where we just had PE, the boys and girls separated for this class, so the boys did soccer outside whilst the girls were inside doing volleyball, i hear the screeching of footwear against the gym floor meaning the girls were still in the hall so I made my way into it, I saw 2 teams on the court as one sat out, looking around seeing Stella sat on a yoga mat in the corner with her headphones on, as she's not able to do much physically activity with everyone else during PE incase she gets pushed and hurt so she told me she does her own thing whether that was yoga or going into the gym so do some slight weight training which she said has worked wonders when preparing for the extra weight she will be carrying and helped her to stay in shape.

I make my way around the court to go over to her, sitting down beside her as I try to copy her pose. Her feet pressed together and arms stretched up as I grab my feet and pull them closer to me but it pulling and stretching my groin and Pinner thighs "Uhh well that hurts the Crown Jewels" I groan as I see her turn her head "hey...what you doing here" she asks me removing her head phones and slowly stretching her legs out as she shakes her arms.

"Just thought I'd come see you, check you out in your gym fit" I tell her as she rolls her eyes just as their coach blows her whistle to end the class and Stella stands up and rolls up her mat, I stay sat on the floor as I look at her ass seeing her shorts ride up a little as I reach up and pull them back down a little as she turns around and slaps my hand away thinking I was going to touch her ass "not in school Kelly" she says chuckling as I hold my hand back and look at her shocked "what, I was just fixing your shorts" I tell her as she looks at me squinting her eyes clearly unconvinced as I laugh and stand up.

"You're popping out today" I say placing my hand on her stomach as we walk over to the storage cupboard so she can put her mat away "yeah and don't I know it, you're probably about the tenth person to tell me that" she says as we head out the hall. Catching a slight irritated tone in her voice as I try to decide whether to bring it up.

I decide against it for my own sanity knowing we've had these type of conversations before and I'm always the one in the wrong. So decide to move on.

"So how you feeling, you looking forward to our appointment later? The one we've been most excited for" I ask her taking hold of her hand as we head to the locker rooms "I guess I am, be finally good to know if we're having a boy or girl" she says looking down and stroking down over her stomach hearing a slight sigh as she lets go of my hand and her stomach, there was definitely something off with her.

Before she's about to disappear into the girls locker room I grab her hand again quickly "hey..." I whisper pulling her back as I look at her "are you okay?" I ask her as she shrugs "yeah why wouldn't I be?" She says frowning a little "I don't know, I'm just getting some weird vibe from you that somethings bothering you" I tell her as she shakes her head "I'm fine Kelly, stop worrying" she says about to turn back through the door as I just watch her disappear behind it.

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