Schools out for summer (1)

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Stella's POV

Schools finally out for the summer and as of this point on I am no longer a sophomore, and in two weeks I'm about to turn 16, and you only turn 16 once so what better way to celebrate it than spending the entire summer with all your friends, and not just any usual way, but out of state working at a summer residential.

Now, It may not be everyone's idea of fun or their chosen way to spend their summer but I've heard about past students who done it and they went on to do great things and said it was once in a lifetime opportunity, so I was pretty excited about it and besides It was all organised and paid for by the school, so what did I have to loose it's all about getting out there and getting the experience with a chance to meet new people.

I got a few of the Cheer team interested along with some other students from our year, totalling about 20 of altogether .

So straight after that final bell rang we had our parents drop of our pre packed bags and suitcases and boarded the coach for a long 5 hour trip to Cleveland, Ohio to spend the next 5 weeks together at the falcon summer camp, working by day and partying by night. I was pretty stoked to be honest.

"This better turn out to be as good as you've painted it out to be" I hear my best friend Gabby ask me as we both take our seat at the back. "Gabby when have I ever let you down before?" I tell her as she tries to think " can't think of one" I tell her as she sighs "I am pretty excited to be fair, I've never done anything like it before" she says as she places her neck pillow around her neck.

"Me neither, but you remember Zach right?" I ask her as she groans and rolls her eyes "hockey Zack, your much older ex boyfriend Zach? The one that dumped you after he graduated because he didn't want to date high schoolers anymore" she says as I nudge her and roll my eyes "yeah that Zach...well he did this last summer, he's the one that told me about it first, and said I should do it if I got the chance as he thought I would love it" I tell her as she smiles "and you dragged me along with you, how thoughtful" she says taking out her book

"Oh come on you wouldn't have lasted a full summer without me" I say nudging her as she chuckles "hmm you're right there, besides there may be some handsome boys we can sink our claws into, we both need some fresh meat to get over our jerky ex boyfriends" Gabby says as she looks at me with a cheeky grin.

"Duhh, obviously Why do you think I'm actually doing this...the boys they used on the website photos looked pretty dashing" I tell her as we both lean into each other giggling.

The coach starts moving as everyone cheers and I lean down to my backpack taking out a pack of white claw cans and showing them to Gabby "Stella did you get them?" Gabby asks me as she puts her book down more interested in what's in my hand "girl you know looking this hot gets me whatever I want, plus that creepy store clerk at the convenience store on our block having that big crush on me has its perks" I say handing her one.

"here's to making this a summer we won't forget" I say as we open the cans and clink them together. "Share or I'm telling" I hear from the seat in front as I see my guy best friend Tyler looking over at us with his hand out as I take another out for him and hand it him.

"Why did I invite you along too?" I ask jokingly as he leans over his seat to look at me and Gabby "because you know you can't have fun without me...and deep down you know you love me" he says winking at me as I rolls my eyes "yeah right Tyler, get over yourself, you couldn't handle my fine ass if it was handed to you on a plate" I tell him as Gabby chuckles, I see Tyler close his eyes and grinning as I smack his arm "stop imagining it you perv" I say jokingly as he laughs and shrugs "I will find my way out the friend zone soon" he say chuckling as he turns around and I shake my head

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