Final days in the sun (10)

333 18 10

4 weeks later

Stella's POV

I can't believe how fast time has gone, the summer break is almost over already It feels like it has only just started, but as I reminisce about events that took place way back when we first started here, like the first time meeting Kelly, the whole fiasco with Tyler, the first session with the kids, it really does seem like a lifetime ago, so much has happened in little time.

As the days get shorter and the back-to-school talks commence, it's a pitifulfeeling knowing that our days under the blazing sun are coming to an end, But hey I'm gonna try not to dwell on it just yet, We may have just finished our last session of the summer camp, but we don't head home until Sunday morning so there's still time left to make the most of our final moments of freedom.

To which Dan has organised for all of us to go to Cedar point Theme park tomorrow as a Thankyou for all our hard work over the summer especially during the weekend that followed after the storm when we spent it cleaning up the falling debris and getting the camp back to how it was before ready to reopen on the Monday.

I just finished putting away all the equipment from the arts and crafts and gave the room one final clean, I look over at Kylie who also stuck with arts and crafts as she stacks the last of the chairs up.

"Well that's it...for another year atleast?" I say going over to Kylie and wrapping my arm over her shoulder as we look at the empty room "well until winter camp, are you coming for the winter one also?" Kylie asks me as I shrug "I don't think so, I'll be too busy packing my life away in Chicago, maybe next year though" I tell her as we turn around and head out the door, I switch the lights off and lock the door before we head down toward the cabins.

On our way down past the boat ramp we see everyone stood over there as we go join them to see what the fuss is about.

"Hey...what's going on" I ask as Gabby turns to me "finally...we've been waiting for you two, we're all going for a final swim in the lake, last one in carries the bags tomorrow" she says running backwards as everyone starts running, me and Kylie look at each other as we run with them.

Everyone runs along the wooden pier dock and I grab kylies hand as we jump off at the end into the water. I jump up out the water and shake the water of my hair and wipe my face just as someone splashes me and I turn around and see Kelly about to splash me again so I quickly splash him back.

He moves closer to me and grabs me as he pulls us both under the water. As I reach the surface I gasp and hit Kelly's arm playfully as he laughs "you prick" I shout as he flicks the water at me. "So how was your last day?" He asks me wrapping his arms around me and I shrug "better now I'm with you" I tell him wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him.

I feel him smile into the kiss before he pulls back "I was thinking...tomorrow, we take my car to cedar point, instead of getting on the coaches with everyone else" he tells me as I look at him confused "why? Save your fuel" I ask him as I wrap my legs around his waist and wipe some sort of his forehead.

"Because I may or may not have other plans for just me and you after...but if you want to go on the coach it's fine by me, I'll just cancel the stargazing tickets I bought us for the observatory park" he says with a smirk as I look at him shocked. "The what?" I ask him.

"Call it a belated birthday gift, I came across an advert on my phone a couple of days ago, you know how adverts are targeted and my phone obviously heard us discussing how much you love to watch the stars, so when I see it,  I immediately booked us tickets to even get to name a star and they will show you exactly where it is" he says as I smile at him, not saying anything and just kiss him. 

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