My Dearest

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Closing my book I sigh as the beeping of my watch persists. He wants me to do another job? I just barely got back, but the reward is too good to turn away. It always is as if he would allow me to refuse anyway, but I would hardly argue with the size of my paychecks. I slip back into my work clothes and head towards my car, the envelope sitting on my hood as usual, I snatch it scanning the details quickly. A grade two curse and three humans? Usually its only curses but the occasional human isn't uncommon. Whatever the boss wants I guess, I shrug to myself and peel out of my driveway towards the location. Its not too far away but I put on music anyway, trying to relax.

Killing humans is way different then killing curses, taking a life isn't something to take lightly. Most curses I'm just putting out of there misery, those few curses that I'm not saving are always killers and I feel no guilt taking the life of those who are deserving of it. Pulling up to a public park near the building I slip into the crowd blending in before slipping into the building.

Finding the staircase is the easy part but if they don't make any noise then finding them is tricky. Thats not the case for this job however as I pass the fifth floor I hear screaming. Retracing my steps I slip onto the floor and duck into the shadows slowly getting closer. I see all four targets, the curse is tormenting the three humans. Perfect at least I don't have to look for them separately. Focusing my cursed energy on my fist I quickly eliminate the curse. Jumping out of the shadows, he never even saw me coming. As my fist connects with his body his head goes flying and his cursed energy absorbs into my body. I steady myself quickly adjusting to the extra cursed energy in my body. The best part about my job, it makes me stronger and theres almost no fighting, don't get me wrong I enjoy a good fight but its nice not to have to fight every time. Turning to the humans all three of them are on there knees thanking me, a twang of guilt hits me but I resign myself to do my job. The cursed energy around my fist slowly transforming into a katana in my hand. Sighing I slice and there heads fly away as there bodies collapse just like the curses did. I chuckle as the tiny amounts of cursed energy absorb into my body, theres not even enough from the three of them for me to feel any change.

I leave as quickly and quietly as I came slipping into the shadows sliding down the stairs and out the door. Blending into the crowd is natural for me as I quickly make my way to my car. Shutting the door my phone buzzes in my pocket and I pick it up.

"Yes its done. No no one saw me. I'll be right there." Of course he wants to see me, I don't know why he bothers assigning me a caretaker when he makes me report to him myself in person. That guy gives me the creeps but the money is definitely worth the awkward conversation. I quickly pull out onto the road and drive in the opposite direction towards his mansion at the edge of town. Pulling into the long gated driveway thats open waiting for me I climb out and step inside. Standing in the waiting area is always awkward but it never takes long. His butler comes and collects me leading me into his large office, its twice the size of my apartment by itself. I take a seat in the chair in front of his desk and he turns to me. Hes an older man somewhere around sixty five, age was not kind to him.

"I trust there was no trouble?" I shake my head.

"No sir none at all."

"Were you seen?"

"Only by my targets." He nods obviously thinking on his next words.

"My dearest, you know I treasure you?" I nod and he frowns.

"Yes sir." He seems satisfied with my response.

"Good. Don't forget it, you can come to me whenever you need anything at all." Theres malace behind his words, I know what he means but I choose to ignore it.

"Of course." He nods and waves me off. It takes everything in me not to run out but I control myself. I grab the suitcase waiting at the bottom steps for me. Walking back to my car I slowly pull out and peel off the second I'm out of sight. Why is he so creepy everytime? He already saw me today and our conversation was the same almost word for word. Hopefully he'll find someone and will stay more professional after. But I can only hope.

Sighing I pull into my driveway and quickly hop in the shower washing today off of me. Theres always so much blood but its never visible thank gods, a lot of people would question me if I was walking around covered in blood. Thats why I wear black, it hides blood and helps me blend into the shadows. After the through wash I get ready for bed and slump into a deep sleep, I'll deal with tomorrow when it comes but today I could not be bothered anymore.

~Next day~

I wake up normally my watch hasn't gone off yet so I take my time getting ready. I pull my mid length black hair into a clip and apply makeup, typically I don't have time so I enjoy it when I do, taking my time until I'm satisfied. Getting dressed I decide to leave my hair up and get some things done so I clean up my room then go grocery shopping. Neither take very long and I'm done with everything around two o'clock. The only thing I have left to do this month is pay rent which is next week so I decide to make a quick meal.

But as I go to grab the ingredients my watch goes off, again? Three jobs in twenty four hours usually isn't a good sign, I was almost expecting nothing today. Sighing I grab my things and walk outside scanning the envelope. A semi-grade one curse? And four grade threes, they'll be fine but I haven't fought a semi-grade one in a long time. He's definitely gonna be tricky, gonna have to pull out my ace card for this one. Usually curses are eliminated before they get to semi-grade one. Handling a semi-grade one is tricky but anything after semi-grade one is a suicide mission, at least without a team. I decided that I definitely have time to eat before this mission so I stop by my favorite dumping restaurant and scarf down my food before heading to my job. Those chicken soup dumplings hit the spot.

Driving to the address I notice its in a public casino. This might be trickier then I thought. I park down the street and slip in through the back taking note of the eerie silence in the air. In a casino, he's definitely been eating his fill. I hide my cursed energy and scope out the floor taking note of each exit I find before finally spotting my target trying to brake into the locked office door which from the look of it won't last much longer.

I sigh summoning my cursed energy, this is gonna take awhile. I quickly shoot my attack out at him piercing into his back. He lets out a snarl and looks right at me launching himself up to me as I launch another attack hitting his chest before also launching myself backwards. He screams at me running forward as I summon my energy into my fist and send his flying backwards. This lands the attention of the other curses laundering around and I quickly realize that if I don't end this now I'm gonna be fucked. Fine we'll do this the hard way I summon my energy again sending it flying towards him. I put almost all the energy I had left into that attack but it works as his body splits and he goes flying. His cursed energy flys out of him absorbing into me and I quickly adjust using it on the four curses climbing. One by one heads go flying until finally the last one falls. I adjust to the cursed energy again wincing at the weight of it. These guys had some serious regrets. I quickly make my exit my phone buzzing as I walk out.

"Yes its done. No no one saw me. I'll be right there." The same response everytime. I'm sure my caretaker is happy all is well but probably bored of the same three responses. I quickly drive to my bosses mansion. The conversation is the same as always and I grab my suitcase after dismissal and drive home. I take a long shower after the day I've had and resign myself to an early bed time, its only six but I'm exhausted and just slump into my bed deciding today I almost died and frankly I didn't care if I woke up early. Sleep takes me quickly.

Quick little authors notes I'm sorry I know no one was in the first chapter but this one is about backstory and what her life is like, I promise in the next chapter characters will be introduced!

Cursed - Toge Inumaki X OC/ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now