Other Students

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I wake up earlier then normal and actually put in effort, if a bunch of people are coming from another school I can't look dead when I first meet them. I re apply the bandage on my arm tying a bandanna around it to help it stay in place. Applying deodorant and perfume quickly I walk out meeting Maki at breakfast. We chat for awhile waiting for the boys to get up then head to the training field. I assume we'll be training until they arrive.

I bump Yuta out into the field first and him and Maki start sparring.Taking a seat next to Toge I relax for a bit before I sense them coming. Its all of them plus Gojo and I'm assuming there teacher since I sense someone else. Watching them walk up to us Maki and Yuta continue fighting, I don't think they see them yet. Once there within view they pause and the group walks up to us.

"Everyone these are students from another Jujutsu High I expect you to make them feel welcome." Gojo announces to everyone before walking off with there teacher discussing something that looks pretty heated or important.

"Hey guys welcome to our school, I'm Panda this is Toge, and Kasumi. Out in the fields thats Yuta and Maki." Panda points for at them and they wave quickly before going back to training. A girl steps forward sticking her hand in Toge's face.

"Toge right? I'm Hiradaira. This is Uza, Nuriki, Yaoya, Gomi, Ukigi, and Futsuu." Gomi pushes past her shoving his hand in my face.

"Pleasure to meet you." He smiles at me and I shake his hand eyeing him cautiously, why are him and this chick being so weird and pushy?

"Pleasure is all mine." I smile at him easily hiding my doubts while also assessing his cursed energy, from the looks of it I could eat him up for breakfast, are they all this weak? I look over and everyone else is basically at the same level except Nuriki who seems like she could hold her own, I'd say shes on par with Panda with her cursed energy levels. I notice Uza and Ukigi walking out towards Maki and Yuta, my eyes narrow as I try to listen but the voice around me are to loud so I walk out to follow them.

"I'm sure you heard introductions but I'm Uza nice to meet you." She sticks her head in Yutas face. Ukigi does the same thing to Maki word for word. They shake hands and Uza doesn't let go of Yuta's. "You have such soft hands, they're so warm."

"Uhh thanks I think." Yuta pulls his hand out of hers and Maki's eyes narrow. Oh so its like that. This is going to be interesting to say the least.

"Care to spar?" Ukigi cuts inbetween Maki and Yuta and before she can answer Uza drags Yuta away. I turn to see how Panda and Toge are getting along with the others and I see Hiradaira practically on Toge's lap while he just looks at her concerned. OH so its like that. Ok, these bitches are going in the dirt. I go to interrupt and Gomi steps in my way.

"Theres plenty of space left of the field, would you care to spar?" He offers his hands and I groan inwardly but take it as he leads me out to the field. When I get my hands on those little bitches there asses are grass. I don't hold back easily winning everytime, it gets to the point that I'm surprised he keeps getting up. "Wow you're pretty strong huh." He chuckles catching his breathe.

"I guess, we are trained by the best." I point out and he nods going to attack me again but I pin him. These students have quickly become a nuisance. I get up and walk over to where Panda is sitting away from the group.

"I don't like this." His voice cute through the silence and I nod.

"Me either these students are in the way of our plan to get Maki and Yuta together. Also I'm pretty sure that guy I was fighting has a little crush and that girl all over Toge has some issues." My eyes narrow as I watch her giggle at him playing with his hair and he grabs her hands.

"Bonito Flakes." She giggles again.

"You're so cute when you speak nonsense." Thats it this bitch is about to feel the pain.

"Hey Hiradaira right? Lets spar." I grab her hand and pull her out into the field with easy. She seems shocked as I pull her away but stands up and takes a fighting position. Oh so we're sparring with our hands? Her second mistake, her first was thinking she could touch Toge and make him uncomfortable, for that I won't go easy on her. She strikes first aiming to hit my head but instead I grab her arm and toss her over my shoulder placing a foot on her neck and she chokes tapping my foot to release. I do and she gets up coughing.

"What the hell was that for?" She growls and I shrug.

"Sorry I thought you'd be strong enough to handle that, I'll adjust myself and hold back in the future." She scoffs going to a low shot this time but I grab her leg and yank her off balance pinning her with ease. She fights against me but I don't move eventually she taps me and we get up. Before I even take position I feel a hand connect with my face as a loud slap rings in the air. Before I can even stop myself my fist connects with her face sending her flying backwards. As she gets up her nose is bent sideways and her eye is blackening. You take a cheap shot and I'll show you why it's better for you to play by the rules.

She starts crying and I walk back to Panda. Toge walks over to her and helps her to the caretaker who patches us up. So he wants to help the bitchy touchy damsel in distress? Fine he can do whatever he wants. I turn to Maki who easily took the guy who challenged her down. Yuta is talking to that girl who ran up to him and I noticed Maki's glare harden. Boys, they'll never fucking learn. I motion for her to train with me as I walk back to the field and neither of us hold back letting the aggression take over.

After a long day of training we retire to our rooms covered in bruises and the guests go to the guest rooms in the other building. Maki comes with me into my room. We sit on the floor and let out a long sigh.

"Did you see Yuta talking to that girl? I told you he doesn't think of me like that." I hear her voice waver and I rub her back trying to comfort her.

"Yuta's just nice to everyone I wouldn't think about it too much, he doesn't like her." She nods but I can tell she doesn't fully believe me.

"Did you see Toge with that girl? And then he went and helped her." She winces remembering she's not the only one who had to watch the guy likes with another girl.

"Yea I'm not gonna lie if Yuta had done that I would have lost it." I nod anger still pounding in my veins as I tear slips down my cheek. Maki hugs me. "Hey they'll be gone after tomorrow, just one more day." I nod but it feels fake. Eventually it gets late and Maki goes to bed. Its whatever is he wants to like some pick me girl bitch he can do whatever he wants. Sleep doesn't come easy and I lay up for hours before it finally takes me, my mind never stops racing.

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