The Plan

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I wake up early and take my time getting ready, I gotta make sure I look normal and like I'm expecting to train. She's either gonna love me or kill me for this and either way I gotta prepare to get bitched out.

Heading out I sit down for breakfast and Maki starts talking about the usual stuff before the boys join us and its stone cold quiet again. Panda tries to start a conversation but everyone just mumbles back. Maybe this isn't a great idea. But I just can't take the tension anymore they need to get over it and confess already.

We finish up and get up to head out before I stop Maki. The boys continue looking at us confused.

"Hey I just remembered I need help you know that huge room we keep for storage? I noticed a book up there that I wanted to read could you grab it for me? Its on top on the shelf and your quite a bit taller then me." She nods and runs to grab it. The second shes out of sight Panda comes running down the hall carrying a scared looking Yuta with Toge chasing after them.

"Um Panda why did you just grab me?" Yuta questions but Panda keeps running and I keep pace with him. We get to the room and throw him in shutting the door. I quickly slash the metal frame bending it so the door won't open when they try to leave.

"Mustard leaf?" Toge looks at me and Panda concerned as Panda catches his breathe. Suddenly it hits me. Locking Maki in there meaning I'm stuck with Toge, and Panda who is trying to get us together. I'm so fucked, this was so dumb I should have thought about this more.

"We're sick of them dancing around each other so they're not allowed out until they talk about their feelings." Toge nods surprised I answered him instead of waiting for Panda.

"Salmon" I nod then turn to address Panda who has magically disappeared and left me with Toge, of course. What else did I expect? This was his plan all along. Toge notices Pandas absense then turns back to me. "Tuna Mayo?"

"I'm not sure why he left or where he is, if you want to look for him you're welcome to but I'm probably just gonna ask Gojo to grab a bottle." I need a drink. I turn to go find Gojo and Toge stalks the other way looking for Panda, I find him in the common room and he agrees to go retrieve the bottle.

Waiting for him to come back feels like a lifetime. Eventually he does return and I take a shot. I'm gonna need to have liquor in my system to talk to Toge right now. I'm mad at him but more myself. I'm also kind of hurt but I have no right to be, its not like he likes me or even knows I like him.

I sigh and take another shot, Toge walks in as I set the shot glass down and gives me a look of surprise.

"Salmon roe"

"Don't even Maki is gonna kill me when she gets out I need to be drunk for that." Toge nods is agreement grabbing a shot glass for himself, I pour him one and myself another. We both take the shot then I realize Panda isn't with him. "No luck finding Panda?"

"Bonito flakes."

"Damn I guess its just us then."

"Salmon" I pour both of us another shot and we down them quickly. I grab a water to help my stomach settle grabbing Toge one aswell. I'm mad at him but that doesn't mean I have to be a monster. Keeping water from a person drinking is just cruel. He smiles gratefully taking it.

We're both a fair amount of shots in, playing monopoly, feeling pretty tipsy. Panda eventually finds us letting us know that the lovebirds finally just started talking and we restart the game adding Panda as he chugs the bottle for a second in an attempt to catch up with us thats going to kick his ass later for sure.

(The Lovebirds from Yuta's POV)

Being locked in the storage room with Maki was pretty awkward. She seems really mad at me at I can't figure out why.

"Hey Maki have I done something wrong to offend you? If I have it wasn't on purpose and I'm sorry!" She chuckles under her breathe and when I look into her eyes I can see her tearing up. So I have done something, what did I do? I'm such an idiot!

"You haven't done anything don't worry about it." She cuts off my thoughts but I don't believe her.

"Then why are you about to cry? Please talk to me." I practically beg and she wipes her eyes as tears now stream down her cheeks that she quickly wipes away again.

"I'm fine Yuta." I grab her shoulder as she tries to turn away from me keeping her still.

"Please talk to me." My voice is barely as whisper at this point but she hears.

"Do you like that girl?" She doesn't need say a name I know who she's referring to and quickly shake my head.

"No I like someone else..." I trail off realizing I might have said to much but as I remove my hand she grabs it.

"Who?" She questions and I blush looking away. When I finally get the courage to look back at her, her face tells me she figured it out, shes also blushing. "I like you to..." Shes looking away from me and barely mumbles but I hear her. My faces burns red as I blush harder but I pull her face back to look at me as I softly kiss her. She reciprocates and we kiss for a moment before softly pulling away. Both of our faces are bright red but Maki walks over and pounds on the door.


We hear maki pounding on the door as I finish wiping the floor with my opponents, I stand up almost stumbling as the alcohol hits me harder. We're all totally smashed at this point but we walk over and Panda bends the door frame back and we open it preparing ourselves. There faces don't give anything away as they walk out and I prepare myself to get bitch slapped. Instead Yuta grabs Maki's hand and smiles at us.

"Its official." We cheer so loud we probably shook the school but being drunk we don't really care. We play cards as the couple finishes the alcohol getting drunk with us. Then we all break off to go to our rooms and call it a night. I take a quick shower to calm down and I'm still pretty drunk when I get out but I'm more in control.

I put pajamas on but as I go to climb in my bed theres a knock on my door. I open it and Toge practically stumbles inside surprising me to the point I almost jump. I help him sit down without falling and he grabs my hand tracing patterns into it thoughtlessly.

"So what brings you here?" I question and he shrugs looking up from my hand and deep into my eyes with his gorgeous purple ones.

"I like you." The words cut through the silence and it takes a second to get over the shock of him speaking and relief it wasn't accidentally cursed words before the weight of what he said hits me like a brick. I blush lightly as he moves closer and softly kisses me. I give in almost forgetting a key detail before I taste the alcohol on him. He's absolutely wasted, he has no idea what he's saying or doing. For all I know he might think I'm that other bitch who threw herself at him, we're both drunk. I softly push him away.

"Come on that's enough excitement for one day, its bed time for you." He lets out a little whine which is absolutely adorable but lets me pull him up and I help him into his room. I wait for him to change then tuck him in and return to my room. I doubt I'll remember this is the morning I'm still pretty drunk but god I almost wished I hadn't stopped. I wish I let him kiss me. Despite that I'm drunk and fall asleep fairly easily.

Cursed - Toge Inumaki X OC/ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now