Jujutsu High

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At the hospital blindfold guy and the boy are talking. Suddenly the boy stares off and goes quiet for a couple minutes.

"You ok?" I hesitate, I usually try to avoid physical contact but I put my hand on his shoulder anyway. He snaps out of it.

"Yea I was just remembering something." The boy looks down at his hands then up at blindfold guy. "I'm starting to think Rika didn't curse me after all. I think I might have been the one that cursed Rika." His voice is sad but curious.

"You very well may be right. There's no curse more twisted then love." Blindfold guys voice is heavy and the boy starts tearing up before looking at his hand determined.

"Alright. While I'm at Jujutsu High there's something I want to learn. I want to break Rika's curse." He looks at blindfold guy determination in his eyes. Blindfold guy gives him a soft smile. Its night by the time we leave the hospital but the girl is ok at least. We check on the kids and make sure they're parents are on there way then we leave.

"Hey mister blindfold where are we going?" He chuckles at the nickname as we continue walking.

"That's right, I guess I should introduce myself and everyone. I'm Saturo Gojo but you can call me Gojo. This," he points to the boy. "Is Yuta Okkatsu, he controls a very powerful cursed spirit, he's learning to control it anyway. This" he points at the girl. "Is Maki Zenin, she's serious with that weapon not someone I would fight weapon to weapon with unless I wanted to lose horribly." I nod and they both give me a little wave which I return. "Guys this is, actually I don't know her name but she's pretty fucking powerful and she'll be going to JuJutsu High from today on."

"Kasumi Hayashi, nice to meet all of you." We stop outside the gates.

"I'll be going with Kasumi to collect her things you guys get some sleep." They nod and walk into one of the buildings as me and gojo turn and walk back to the public place near the office building and elementary school. We grab my car and head to my house loading in my things till suddenly I get a call. Its from my caretaker, a suspiciously late call after my mission.

"Hello, yes its done. No no one saw me. Actually I'm quitting so unfortunately the boss will have to live without seeing me one last time. Its been great working with you. Goodbye." I hang up and wince, I might be paying for that later but thats a problem for another time. We finish loading in my things and drive to the school. I park in the back and we take my things to the girls dorms. I'm told my room is next to the girl's room from earlier. Finishing transfering my things to my new room I say goodnight to Gojo and attempt to get some sleep. Eventually I get comfortable and sleep takes me.

~Next day~

I sleep in and get ready in a rush. The girl, Maki, told me that we're training on that track so I grab some workout clothes and head out with her. We're just running laps so I join her and the boy from yesterday, Yuta. Walking out to the field I see a boy with white hair and the most striking purple eyes I've ever seen. I didn't know eyes could naturally be that color. Then I see a giant panda.

"Hey guys you ready?" The panda speaks and I jump back.

"IT TALKS?!" I eye the panda suspiciously and Maki laughs.

"Yea Panda is cool he's one of us." I nod still eyeing the panda suspiciously. He clicks the stop watch and we run laps keeping a steady pace. I keep up with Maki pretty easily but Yuta from yesterday seems to be struggling. Scanning my surroundings I see Gojo approaching us as Panda yells.

"Toge, Maki, new girl, last lap!" We finish quickly as Gojo approaches us. He pulls Yuta aside and we all sit for a break.

"Hey new girl, whats your name?" Panda asks and the boy with purple eyes nods as if agreeing with the question.

Cursed - Toge Inumaki X OC/ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now