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Maki wakes me up for morning training so we grab a light breakfast and head out to the field. I grab two bamboo katanas and we spar for the next two hours, shes really good. Apparently no one has been able to beat her, yet. I hope I can at least be as good as her one day. Eventually i get tired and tap out so Yuta steps in while I rest.

"Does she just not ever get tired? She's amazing." I mostly ask myself but Panda answers anyway.

"She gets tired eventually give her another four hours and she'll be tired." SIX HOURS IN TOTAL?! HOW IS THIS BITCH ALIVE?!

"Wow" is all I manage to get out.


"Hey Panda since you seem to understand Toge so well why don't you give me a run down of what things mean? It seems like we'll be fighting beside each other for awhile and it may come in handy if I can understand him." Panda beems like I just gave him the best compliment in the world.

"You're absolutely right I do understand him. Honestly its not that hard to understand him you just gotta think about it. Salmon means yes or good, Bonito flakes means no or bad, Kelp means hello, Mustard leaf means concern or worry, Salmon roe means "well well" or "my my" teasing/calling someone out, Caviar means swear word, Spicy cod roe means motivation or cheer up, Tuna tuna means look, and Tuna mayo means talking or do something ." I feel like a lot of information was just dumped on me but I do my best to memorize it. Toge nods along with everything Panda is saying.

"Salmon" that means yes, so I think he's saying that Panda is right and thats everything.

"Ok I think I got most of that." I repeat it back to Panda and he nods, after I finish he high fives me.

"Thats the fast anyones ever got it before." I shrug.

"I'm used to memorizing things on the spot."

"Tuna mayo." That just means talking, did he ask me a question?

"It was for my job if I translated that correctly." He nods and smiles at me, which makes my face go warm and I quickly look back to Maki on the training field, at the perfect time because she just pinned Yuta. Watching her realize she's on top of him, her cheeks get warm and she swats him with her staff to get up. Immediately taking a defensive position she waits for him to recover and get back on his feet before attacking again. Man she really is relentless. I glance back at Toge and accidentally catch his eye, we both look away immediately faces warm red. Panda notices.

"So you guys think Maki and Yuta are gonna get together." His tone is teasing and I can tell he's going somewhere with this. Toge shrugs.

"You never heard this from me and if you try to tell Maki I will deny it. But yes I think eventually someone will make a move." Panda nods looking at them.

"What about you two?" I knew it I knew he was gonna stick his nose where it doesn't belong again!

"Panda I swear to god I've been here three days you gotta chill, you could be making Toge uncomfortable you know." I swat him with my bamboo katana and he barely dodges, clearly learning.

"How would you know? I understand him better then you!" He dodges more swatting.

"I don't know thats the point I've only been here three days so chill!" I finally get him on the head and he rubs his head pouting.

Yuta looks like he needs a break so I walk back over to relieve him and me and Maki talk while we train.

"You think they know we like them?" I question barely dodging her attack.

"Probably not boys are clueless." She lands in a split and my katana soars above her head.

"Fair enough, do you think its a good thing they don't know?" I block her attack swiping at her legs and she jumps out of the way.

"Probably, like you said before we don't want to make them uncomfortable." She comes in for a high attack and I barely dodge.

"Thats true but don't you want Yuta to pick up on something so he'll ask you out?" I question going for a low attack that she blocks.

"Thats true, I guess there cluelessness is a double edged sword." She lands a small hit and we re-start.

"Yea that sounds accurate, I go a waist level attack and she barely blocks.

"What would you suggest?" She questions going for an attack but I jump out of the way.

"Maybe we can throw a little party to relax? Get to know each other better?" I shrug and dodge again, thats all I can think to do though.

"What kind of party?" She dodges as I go for her feet.

"I mean we could play some drinking games?" I offer blocking her attack and she nods.

"I'll tell Gojo he'll get us the stuff, he loves throwing parties." I nod and land a quick jab on her arm. We decide to take a break after that and I grab lunch with the boys while she goes to talk to Gojo.

"So what were u guys talking about on the field." Yuta questions me and I almost choke on my water thinking about the beginning of our conversation.

"Just girl talk, we were talking about throwing a little party though for everyone to relax and get to know each other better." The boys nod in agreement obviously liking the idea. God I wonder what goes on in guys minds they're so nonchalant about everything. Panda gets a familiar glint in his eyes and I prepare myself for whatever is about to come out of his mouth.

"Are we gonna play spin the bottle?" Panda wiggles his eyebrows at Toge and he turns red.

"No probably just beer pong and truth or dare or something like that, get your mind out of the gutter!" I swat at him and Yuta burts out laughing.

"Thank god I was worried Inumaki would be my first kiss or something." Toge nods in agreement.
"Salmon." Wait neither of them have had a first kiss yet? Good to know...this whole waiting for them to make a move thing might take a lot longer then me and Maki originally thought. Maki walks in and gives me a thumbs up that Gojo is getting the stuff.

"We were thinking tonight if thats good with you guys?" I offer and everyone nods agreeing that it works for them.

"Perfect does the game room around eight sound good for everyone? No dress code I'll be wearing sweats so come in whatever is comfortable for you." Again everyone nods in agreement again and we finish up lunch before heading to our rooms to do our respective things with our free afternoon.

Maki comes over and we apply some light makeup on ourselves trying on outfits. Sweats doesn't mean not cute. I eventually decide on black low waist sweats and a maroon skin tight tank top. Maki decides on grey sweats with a black tank top then we lie around talking until Gojo comes back and we set up the beer pong table with water. We decide on water so we don't have to drink something dirty when the ball lands on the floor, it still works the same, you land a ball the other person chugs the beer or takes the shot. We just aren't putting it in the cups. I wonder what the boys are doing?

Cursed - Toge Inumaki X OC/ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now