The Competition

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I wake up early again taking a long shower and putting effort into my appearance. I'm not gonna give that bitch another reason. I meet Maki for breakfast and we talk until the boys walk in. They sit down for breakfast and the silence is practically deafening compared to our normal breakfast. Yuta talks to Panda trying to lighten things up but me and Maki don't say a word silently eating. When we're done we get up and head out to the field not waiting for the boys as we start chatting again. The boys from yesterday are out sparring on the field as we join them and the rest of the guest students watch on the steps.

The boys eventually join us but me and Maki continue to spar not holding anything back. Its frightening I'm sure since the girls from yesterday who are still all over Yuta and Toge watch with fear in there eyes. Which only fuels us to fight harder and we trade blows so fast that I doubt anyone watching could keep up with watching every blow. Gojo comes out with the other teacher eventually and we pause our training.

"Alright as you all know theres a competition today, its going to be a little different this year. This year whatever school takes down the Grade two curse first wins. Its in the woods behind the school any questions?" We shake our heads and they send us off, we travel with our school mates avoiding the other school and looking for the curse. Finding it is the easy part and the other school isn't far behind us so we work fast. Me and Maki team up, she distracts it fighting it while I come up behind and slice into its neck. It turns to fight me and Maki knocks it off balance as I slice again and this time its head comes off. The other students run up to us as I help Maki up.

"God damn we didn't even have a chance to fight that thing you guys are crazy." Hiradaira complains and I turn to her. The look in my eyes must say enough because she ducks behind Toge who shoots me a worried look. I roll my eyes and walk away with Maki in tow. We start to walk back till a rouge curse in the woods shoots a curse at us. Before I even have a chance to react Toge speaks.

"Get crushed." It crushes into itself and explodes from the weight. I turn to him a look of surprise on my face and toss him his medicine I keep on me for emergencies, he drinks it and shoots me a grateful smile but I'm already walking away with Maki. Saving me doesn't mean shit when you save any girl who throws herself at you. I'm not just some bitch you can pay attention to when no one else is giving you attention. You want a toy you can play with her. I'm not a girl you wanna fuck around with.

We walk back to hear Gojo bragging to the other teacher and the other teacher is grumbling to himself. We wait for the others and they arrive back shortly after us.

"Alright students the competition is over, its time to return home say goodbye." The girls pout and throw there arms are Yuta and Toge who just freeze.

"I'll write to you." They say to both of them and walk back to there teacher, Gomi throws his arm around me and kisses my cheek which makes me want to slap him but I hold back, Ukigi throws his arm around Maki but she blocks his kiss and he pouts walking back. Watching them walk away fills me with the sense of relief but also leftover adrenaline. I turn to Maki and she nods. We walk away from the boys and start to spar.

"If I didn't have self control I would slit that little bitches throat and watch her bleed out." I attack Maki and she dodges.

"If I didn't have self control I would break her spine paralyzing her then curb stomp her little mouth." Maki attacks me and I jump out of the way. The rest of our session goes on like that taking turns saying what we would do to them given the chance. Eventually I tap out and Yuta goes up to fight her, the fear in his eyes almost makes me laugh, you did that to yourself buddy now suck it up and deal with the punishment. I sit next to Panda my eyes focused on the fight.

"So you like that guy?" Panda questions and I roll my eyes.

"Fuck no him and that little bitch Hiradaira deserve each other." Panda nods clearly relieved.

"Bonito flakes." Cuts through the silence and I turn to Toge finally looking at him.

"Yea you would say that, you two sure looked cozy." My voice is harsh my icy glare practically cutting him. I turn to look back at the field and the silence is deafening. Guilt starts to eat away at me after the weight of my words sinks in. That was really mean, I didn't mean to snap at him its not his fault he likes her not me. Yuta flies backwards and decides he's had enough sending me back in. I guess Maki wasn't nice to him either. As I walk up to her we have a matching guilty look on our faces.

"Let me guess you snapped at Yuta?" She nods and takes position.

"You?" She questions and I nod launching a waist level attack, she jumps out of the way with ease. "I feel bad but also those girls were disgusting. They didn't even have the decency to tell them to stop I mean who just lets a stranger do that?" She goes high and I jump back.

"Someone who isn't picky and just likes attention." I jump back again barely avoiding her next attack. She scoffs and nods in agreement.

"Its just frustrating like how can you let someone throw themself at you like that? How can you like someone with no shame or self respect?" I shrug as she dodges my attack. I don't get it either. Its impossible to understand what goes on in the mind of our male companions. Honestly I'm not sure I want to know see how they acted towards those girls, disgusting.

"It's impossible to know, I guess we just deal with it, I'm ashamed of what I said but disgusted at their actions. Thats just how its gonna be I guess." She nods agreeing with my statement and lands an attack. We continue voicing our frustrations as we fight and eventually call it a day.

We eat dinner with the boys, you could cut the silence and tension in the air with a knife. After eating we return to our rooms and I sit down enjoying my book until I hear a knock.

"Come in." I set my book down not sure who could be knocking, I'm kinda surprised when Panda walks in. He sits down on the floor and I join him.

"So you actually like Toge huh?" My face burns red as my head whips up to look at him.

"Um what makes you say that?" I mentally slap myself, of course he knows after that stupid comment you made earlier!

"If it makes you feel better I don't think Toge likes her." I shake my head and chuckle under my breathe.

"Sorry Panda but I'm not dumb enough to believe that. He carried her to the medic. He didn't help her, he carried her. He defended her. She was all over him and he didn't stop her. That says enough." Panda sighs heavily but nods.

"Fair points, and maybe I'm biased but I'm sure he likes you not her. Despite all that stuff, he still never said a word to her. He speaks to all of us in Onigiri, but he writes notes to you. He doesn't do that for anyone else haven't you noticed?" I shrug, I had noticed but I just figured no one cared enough to talk to him about things he would need to explain.

"I'm sorry Panda I just don't believe it after how he acted." He nods and sighs before chuckling under his breathe.

"So Maki's mad at Yuta to I'm guessing?" I nod and he chuckles again. "What are we gonna do about that?" Mischief flashes in my eyes and Panda smiles at me.

"I have an idea." I explain my plan to Panda and we agree to excute it tomorrow. Falling asleep is pretty difficult being excited about tomorrow but eventually I manage.

Cursed - Toge Inumaki X OC/ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now