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After awhile I started to naturally wake up around the time Maki used to wake me up, I don't bother with makeup since I'll have to do it again later anyway. Grabbing a quick bite I head out to the field but notice Maki is missing. What the fuck? She's always awake first! The boy look just as confused as me when I come out before her.

"I'm up before her? Thats not normal I'm gonna go check on her." The boys nod and I turn around quickly walking back to her room. I knock softly on the door but no answer. I open it and find Maki still asleep in bed. I feel her forehead but no temperature, theres no way that she just slept there? I shake her gently and she wakes up.

"Huh? Oh Kasumi what time is it?"

"Half past nine." Thats I all manage to get out before she shoots out of bed running to the bathroom. I giggle and wait knowing she won't take long, after about ten minutes shes ready to go and we walk back down to the field.

"Maki I'm surprised I've never seen you sleep in." Panda comments and the boys nod in agreement. She shrugs walking out to the field and taking stance.

"Who's first?" She sounds ready for a fight, deciding that thats not something I wanna fuck with I bump Yuta with my hip sending him stumling into Maki. He falls on top of her and lands...well I couldn't have done it any better if that was on purpose. Yuta has a face full of boobs and shoots up red as a tomato apologizing to Maki and helping her up. He sends me a quick icy glare which makes me laugh and Panda high fives me.

"Perfect aim, Perfect time, I couldn't have done it better myself." Panda actually sounds proud! Giggling I take a seat and watch them spar. I get the feeling that Maki isn't going to go easy on me after that but I'll live. It was totally worth it. They really need to confess to each other watching them dance around each other is so frustrating.

We watch them fight for about two hours before I take over and she's ready and waiting immediately going for an overhead strike that I barely manage to dodge. This is payback I can feel it as I barely dodge her attacks. Too bad, it was totally worth it!

"Was that necessary?" She goes for another attack and I jump back.

"Absolutely you guys have been dancing around each other for long enough." She scoffs and dodges as I barely manage to get an attack in.

"Hardly, he doesn't think of me like that." I scoff attacking again going for a headshot and she drops to a split as it soars above her head.

"You sure you're glasses are up to date? Cause you have to be blind not to see he likes you." She scoffs and I barely dodge her attack once again. She really isn't fucking around right now.

"Bullshit he keeps me at arms length!" She charges and I barely get out of the way jumping to the side to create some distance between us.

"He's fucking shy have you not noticed? Also it's not like you're letting him get close either. You gotta give him a sign, flirt a little." I go low and she leaps out of the way.

"You're one to talk, you're not exactly flirting with Toge either." She barely dodges as I charge forward going for her waist.

"At least I have an excuse, he can only say so many things with his limited speach." She scoffs and I dodge.

"Really cause you don't seem to be struggling to bad consider he just writes out what he wants to say. You guys pass notes like lovebirds but you're still not flirting." I scoff dodging and landing a small hit on her ankle as I land. We restart and she kicks my ass the rest of training before I tap out and Yuta takes my place.

"Remember. Flirting." I whisper shout at her and walk away sitting next to Toge on the steps.

"Kelp. Mustard leaf?" Toge watches as I sit down carefully.

"I'm totally fine don't worry she just didn't hold back today." I rub my legs, sore from dodging at the constant hits she landed, although she hit me pretty much everywhere. He passes me his notepad.

'You guys looked like you were agruing, what about?' I chuckle, he picks up on things super well for being so nonchalant.

"I keep trying to get her to flirt with Yuta but she's stubborn. She refuses to believe he likes her back." He nods taking his notebook and writing quickly before passing it back.

'She's pretty stubborn, I wonder if theres a way we can give them a push? Indirectly.' I nod thinking on what we could do.

"I'll have to think on that but we definitely should, they need it." He nods and we sit there is silence thinking for a moment. After a couple minutes he softly writes again and passes it to me.

'Did you hear we're hosting a school event? Kids from another school are gonna come its a big competition.' I didn't know there WERE other schools.

"Oh cool no I didn't hear about that when are they coming?" He holds up to fingers. "Days or weeks? Or months?" He holds up one finger and I nod. Two days feels really soon I'm surprised I didn't hear about it till now.

Maki and Yuta finish up and we all head to the kitchen for lunch. Lunch is some delicious soup that I couldn't pronounce the name of if I tried and afterwards we all head to our rooms for our separate activities. Maki grabs her stuff and we get ready in my room. It takes about two hours for both of us to be ready but we look great. The dress is tight on me in all the right places and Maki looks great. Walking out we're surprised to come face to face with the boys who were in the common room playing a card game.

"Oh hey, we're heading out we'll probably be back late so don't wait up we'll be fine." I nudge Maki nodding towards Yuta who looks starstruck and can't take his eyes off her. She blushes and grabs my hand pulling me out.

"Yuta wasn't the only one staring you know." I chuckle shaking my head and blushing at the thought. I hope he was staring...but with my luck with boys I highly doubt it. Getting an uber we pull up to the club and order some shots, starting with a bang. After shots it's margaritas and we're feeling pretty good. We even hit the dance floor. We found a group of girls to dance with and had some fun making sure to avoid any creeps that wander onto the floor. Two more margaritas each and we're feeling pretty drunk. We decide to have one more drink and call it a night.

Giggling uncontrollably as we walk out of the club we wait for the uber and get home pretty late. Trying to be silent we take off our heels and stumble in desperately trying and failing to hold in our giggles. Its around midnight and we stubble into the common room surprised to see the boys still up playing a different game. They wave as we walk in and I stumble a little holding onto the door lining for support.

"Oh hey guys what're you still doing up?" I manage to get out the giggles lightening up a little.

"Just playing games, you guys good?" Yuta's voice is laced with concern and drunk me has the BEST idea.

"Actually no Maki twisted her ankle when we were dancing shes having a hard time walking I think she needs some help. Maybe some ice and someone to stay with her and I'm sure she'll be fine." I managed to piece together drunk as shit but I have to make this work. Yuta nods immediately taking action and picks Maki up taking her to her room before running out, grabbing ice, and returning. She glared at me after I finished talking but quickly turned red as Yuta picked her up. I giggle watching the scene unfold and lean against the wall for support.

"Best idea ever, even drunk." Panda chuckles and I giggle with him.

"Thanks, I gotta go to bed though I'm so fucked up." I burst into giggles walking forward and leaning against the wall for support. Everything is getting kinda blurry and I stumble again. I feel arms wrap around me and carry me to my room but I can't even open my eyes. I'm asleep the second my head hits the pillow.

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