The Party

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After we finish setting up we aren't waiting long till the boys get here. They dressed casual like we told them to except for Panda who looks the same as always of course.

"Yo Panda can you get drunk?" I'm curious I admit.

"I can actually feel the effects of alcohol surprisingly."

"Sweet who wants to start?" I offer and no one moves so I walk to one end of the table and Maki walks to another. "You guys know how to play?" The boys shake there heads and Panda nods which makes me laugh.

"It's pretty easy, you throw the ping pong at the cups on the other end of the table and if u make one in the other person takes a shot or chugs there drink. After you make it in every cup you win but we're just gonna say you make five shots and you win and the other person switches for someone else instead of taking the cups away to make it more fun." I nod in agreement and the boys nod in understanding. Maki throws the first ball and makes it in. I quickly realize who I'm up against and that I might be screwed, I take my shot then throw the ball also making it and Maki takes a shot.

The boys seem to understand more as we play but Maki makes all five of her first shots and I only make three of my four shots so she wins and I step aside. Toge steps in and I sit down letting the alcohol resinate in my system. Toge makes his first two shots and Maki switches out for Yuta. But she also made a shot so Toge only has four left. Yuta makes three out of five shots and Toge makes all five so Yuta switches for Panda. Panda misses the first shot but makes the second so I switch out for Toge after Panda takes his shot.

At this point I'm starting to feel tipsy from the alcohol in my system but I proceed and beat Panda by one shot but I now have eight shots in my system and when Maki stands up again I know I'm fucked. She makes the first two and I barely miss my first. Toge steps in again and the pattern continues until we all have about fifteen shots in our systems and me and Maki are a gigling mess on the floor. Toge leaned against Yuta making him fall over and we laugh even harder. It takes awhile to catch out breathe but eventually we start truth or dare.

"Not it." I state joining the circle and everyone calls out the same except Toge. "Oops my bad thats not fair to you, nose goes" I touch my nose and Yuta is the last to touch his. "Yuta truth or dare." He looks nervous.


"What's your most embarrassing moment." He flushes completely red.

"Probably in school when I forgot my gym shirt so coach made me run shirtless." I nod and everyone chuckles a little at the image.

"Your turn, ask anyone."

"Um Inumaki Truth or dare." He holds up one finger indicating truth.

"Have you ever used your cursed speech on someone on purpose?" He shakes his head.

"Bonito flakes." I nod, that makes sense, usually his cursed speech words are taken literally, he could really hurt someone without meaning to. He points to me.

"Dare." He nods and grabs his notepad quickly writing.

'Take a shot mid jump' I groan and stand up pouring myself another shot, that's actually a pretty good dare. I jump and take the shot but I get a little on my cheek and quickly wipe it taking my seat again.

"Maki truth or dare"


"I dare you to sit on Pandas lap for the next three dares." She glares at me and sits on Panda who just sits there laughing.

"Panda truth or dare"


"I dare you to chug out of the bottle for the next five seconds." He gulps quickly regreting his decision and complies with the dare while the rest of us watch trying not to laugh till he's done which fails miserably. He sits back down and so do Maki turning to Toge.

Cursed - Toge Inumaki X OC/ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now