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I'm never drinking tequila again. I groan as the morning sun burns my eyes. I stumble into the bathroom turning on a hot shower and taking an advil. I shower until it kicks in trying to remember what happened last night. I remember getting home and making Yuta take care of Maki but then everything is gone. I don't even remember coming back to my room.

I sigh turning off the water and putting on my mission clothes. We have to eliminate a curse today, I don't know the details just that I'm supposed to meet Gojo in the common room with whoever else is coming. I walk in to find Toge and Gojo.

"Perfect you're awake, you two will be eliminating a semi grade two curse. Any questions?" Toge shakes his head and I shake mine. "Perfect the car will take you there, I'm sure you can handle this so no need to report back unless you fail. You both have my number if that happens." He's already walking away as he finishs talking.

We walk to the car in silence, he's probably thinking about how we're gonna take down the curse I know I am, depending on its curse energy attack, this will be easy. I will say I'm surprised Yuta isn't joining us, this is the first time he isn't coming. The first time I'm alone with Toge..my mind wanders and I shake my head focusing back in, that's not something to think about right now. We pull up to the location its another abandoned office building. These office workers really leak out cursed energy apparently.

We walk in inspecting the area carefully and looking for the curse. It doesn't take too long to find, when we find it it's ripping apart whoever it killed and enjoying a meal. Too bad it'll be its last.

"Don't move" Toge's voice cuts through the silence like a knife pinning the curse in place as it screams in protest. Man I fucking hate curses screaming, its always enough to give me a headache. I walk towards its katanas draw, apparently whatever it's attack is it needs to move in order to do it. What a pity I was hoping for a good fight.

I imbue my weapons with cursed energy and easily slice its head clean off. Too bad maybe next time I'll get to have some fun. I turn to Toge tossing him the throat medicine I grabbed from the school, he always seems to forget to bring it. He smiles at me gratefully and downs it quickly. We turn to leave noticing the viel is still up. I guess we didn't kill it? The silence is broken as cursed energy shoots out from a corner striking me in the arm. Blood shoots out of the would and I wince throwing a knife in the direction of the cursed energy. I hear a creature scream which fills me with satisfaction, at least I got it back. Toge watches the blood drip down my arm spinning around rage filled eyes landing right on the beast.

"Die" the harsh words explode from his mouth as he winces falling over. The curse instantly dies and its cursed energy absorbs into me as my necklace absorbs all of it into itself instantly. Cool now I don't have to constantly readjust thats nice. I help him to the car taking care of him until we get back and I give him more medicine. My worry finally ceases watching the pain melt of his face as he drinks the medicine, wow that stuff really is magic.

Maki and the other boys join us in the common room eventually and we all decide to play monopoly which might have been a bad idea because Panda is now arguing with Maki about how much rent he owes. Technically he's right but he forgot having a house raises the rent, he was very upset realizing he was wrong. Toge laughs at Panda face when he realizes his mistake and we continue playing. Eventually Toge wins which was a surprise to everyone but me, I tend to pay attention to everyone not just known "threats" I knew he was gonna win the second he landed on free parking and then got the matching Dark blue for a set. Owning that whole strip really gave him an advantage.

We decide to go train because it was still pretty early in the afternoon. Toge and Panda sit in there usually spots and I join Maki on the field deciding its unfair I make Yuta fight first EVERY time. She strikes first and I jump out of the way our match beginning.

"Hey do you know the students coming from the other school?" Maki shrugs going for another attack.

"Not really its a different school then we normal compete with, I do know the number of students and genders but thats it." I nod waiting for her to continue as our practice weapons crash against each other.

"It's seven students, four girls, three boys." I nod thats not too bad, a lot more people then are normally around but I'm sure we'll manage just fine.

"Ages?" I strike but she dodges.

"I think they're our age for the most part, they're all year ones." I nod jumping back and landing in a split barely avoiding her attack.

"How long are they staying for?" I continue to question as I dodge.

"Two days so not too long." I attack and she barely dodges, that was close.

After finishing up our training and my questions I send Yuta out take a break and siting on the steps.

"Hey Panda weird question but can I lay on your lap while I catch my breathe? You look comfortable." My curiosity finally gets the better of me and Panda laughs.

"Oh course I've been told I'm the best pillow EVER so prepare yourself." He continues to chuckle and I lay on him, he was right he's the most comfortable thing I've laid on. I could fall asleep like this EASILY. I lay on him catching my breathe but sit up afterwards so I don't fall asleep.

"You weren't wrong, best pillow EVER." We layvh together and watch the fight unfold. Maki pins Yuta and I whistle at them making both of them turn red as Maki climbs off and shoots me a death glare.

"Hey don't mind us by all means continue." She scoffs and Yuta turns a deeper shade of red. Man why can't they just get together already? I groan inwardly and subconsciously look over and Toge, whos already looking at me but quickly looks away. Do I have something on my face? I check but can't seem to find anything, was he just staring? Get a grip Kasumi now THATS wishful thinking.

Training is over faster today and we have dinner before retiring to our rooms where I pick up a good book and get about halfway through before calling it a night and letting sleep take me.

Cursed - Toge Inumaki X OC/ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now