Monkey curse?

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We scope out the curse but it doesn't seem to be searching for us. Yuta goes to call the driver but quickly realizes we don't have service. I think because of the viel.

"Bonita flakes" Toge points at the viel confirming my suspicions.

"If the viel won't lift I guess we have to exercise it." Yuta sighs, Toge gets up and starts walking towards the stairs I think.

"You shouldn't be moving around already!" Yuta argues but Toge puts his hand out to stop us.

"Salmon" he has to be crazy wanting to fight that thing by himself! He walks away again.

"Thanks for the concern but we're going with you." I call out stopping him in his tracks. Yuta nods a look of determination on his face.

"We'll all do our best. Lets go." Yuta rans after him and I follow. We carefully creep towards the curse. Yuta walks up behind it and it roars out suddenly mad. What the hell is it mad at him for it was fine two seconds ago?! It launches light attacks at him and I jump out and create another distraction no longer hiding my cursed energy. It roars again attacking us both as we get closer and closer. I've never fought a curse like this before, it scares me knowing these things get this powerful. We both land an attack but it doesn't do as much as we hoped. No matter, Toge has this is outmatched and it doesn't even know it yet. I grab the medicine throwing it towards where Toge is hiding.

"Inumaki catch!" Yuta shouts, we both agreed I could throw better but he was way better at yelling. An interesting arrangement but it works. Toge catches it quickly drinking it and the curse made as sound probably realizing it was fucked. It launches its attacks at Toge and he easily dodges, I take the opportunity slice it again creating a much deeper cut just in case. Before jumping back as Toge yells.

"Get crushed" it crushes into itself and explodes from the pressure. Why does his voice make me blush every gods damn time? "Mustard leaf?" He runs over to us and we both reassure him that we're fine. "Salmon" he sounds realived and we all high five in turns. We turn to walk out but the viel is still intact.

"We still can't get out can we?" Yuta asks and we all chuckle but sigh because he's right. Eventually we get out and return to jujutsu high. We all turn in for the night and get some rest.

~Next day~

Toge immediately goes to water the flowers after breakfast and Panda pulls me and Yuta aside to talk about Toge. He talks about his childhood and why he is the way he is, ending with the fact that its easy to misunderstand him but hes a good guy. I get that, Yuta might have been scared but after being in the same space as someone for awhile I can read people pretty well. Maki smacks Yuta on the head with her staff.

"Time for morning training." Panda chuckles and they agrue for a bit.

"Hey Maki hold on." Yuta interrupts and she acknowledges him. "Are there any cool tricks u can teach me? I'd like to learn how to embue my curse into my katana more smoothly then I-"

"Just forget it." She interrupts him. "Don't ask me about cursed energy." She walks away, I'm guessing thats a sensitive topic somehow. We follow behind her losely but since she's walking towards the training field I'm guessing we're still training.

She turns to me this time and I grab two bamboo katanas, she attacks me first and I quickly block jumping back. I then run at her and she dodges coming down with a stab I quickly jump out of the way as she raises her staff to attack my torso I drop to a split as her staff sails above my head I jump out of the split attacking while shes still shocked and manage to hit her leg. We spar for about an hour then she turns and challenges Yuta as I go to sit on the steps below Panda and Toge.

Cursed - Toge Inumaki X OC/ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now