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The sunlight hits me like a brick and I take a nice long shower trying to remember anything that happened yesterday. After finding out Maki and Yuta finally got together everything is blurry and basically gone from my memory. I could have sworn something happened but I don't remember a thing. I attempt to remember while getting ready but I just can't, it continues to bug me as I join Maki at the table. Her glare is icy chilling me to the bone.

"Thanks for the push but if you ever try to pull that shit with me again I will make sure there is nothing left of you for anyone to find." Damn she's scary especially when shes looking at me like she would follow through on that threat, I nod and gulp grabbing my breakfast. I almost check to make sure Maki didn't poison me but I resist the urge to.

The boys couldn't come out soon enough but eventually they do. Maki nudges me while the boys get there food and I move to the end where Yuta normally sits so he can sit next to her. He smiles at me grateful and I smile back. Staying on his good side might make me safer with Maki.

Toge sits in his normal spot and I'm suddenly aware our knees are touching under the table. I fight the redness I know is creeping on my cheeks and try to focus on my food. Toge feels quieter then normal but I might be imagining things, he almost looks sad? I wonder what he would be sad about?

Maki snaps me out of my focus as she gets up. I finish my last bite and get up with her, the boys do the same. We turn to head out to the train field but Gojo stops us.

"Actually I need all of you to go on this mission and kill the curses for me. Its just a pretty big group of grade threes that are somehow being led by a grade two, it might be controlling them. Everyone grab what you need and meet by the car." We all nod and walk to our rooms, I change into something more sturdy and grab my katanas.

Walking out to the car I'm met with everyone else, I'm the only one that needed to change so I expected that. We pile into the van that was transporting us instead of the normal car so we could all fit. Maki and Yuta take the middle so I guess I get to be squished between Panda and Toge. Toge scoots over to sit next to Panda and I shoot him a greatful smile taking his old seat. He smiles back at me and nods as if to say "of course".

The ride isn't to long and he drops us off at an abandoned stadium near the edge of town. We find an extrance and cautiously walk in. Its quiet enough you could hear a pin drop. We notice the curses at the other end of the stadium, but they haven't noticed us surprisingly enough. We crouch down trying to get a count then I notice the grade two at the top of the stadium. It looks like it's waiting for something? These curses aren't acting normal I wonder whats happening?

We crouch down after getting a count and come up with a plan. Theres twelve grade threes and a level two, meaning four grade threes for everyone except whoever has to face the grade two. Maki looks between me and Toge.

"Alright you guys are the strongest, theres only one fair way to do this, even or odd." I look to Toge and hes looking at me, I motion for him to choose and he holds up on finger.

"I'll pick even then." Maki nods at looks right at me. "Shit thats me huh? Alright then, I'll see you guys after the fight." I turn walking back to the stairs heading towards the curse. The others wait for me to make my move before attacking.

Sneaking up on the curse is extremely difficult out in the open but I manage, being a retired assassin still comes in handy sometimes. Its back is towards me, perfect. I spring out and slash it, landing a deep slash in the back as it screams. The others hear its scream and run out attacking the other curses. Jump back to avoid its technique I slice into the same spot revealing its spine as it roars in pain frantically attacking me with its technique while i skillfully dodge, some of them got pretty close though.

This next attack has to be it. I have to make it count. I run back at the beast as it launches its attacks at me, this one has to kill him I have to make this one count. Energy flows through me and my blades as I jump over it and strike the wound. Black energy shoots through the air off of my blade as I land the final cut. The black energy suddenly attatched to my blade slices through the curse like butter.

The black energy disappears the second my sword leaves the curse and I'm left wondering what the fuck just happened. Was that the "Black Strike" thing Gojo was talking about? How did I do that? I can't seem to figure out how I accidentally landed a Black strike while the cursed energy absorbs into me then into the necklace. I walk back to the others still questioning.

"What was that? We were worried you got hurt or something." Maki steps forward to walk up to me but I freeze. The presence of someone else is hard to ignore. I turn and see someone walking towards me in a uniform similar to the one I wore as an assassin. I rest my hands on the hilts of my katanas, stepping forward putting myself between the mystery person and the others. I don't think I like this. They run up to me taking a cloth out of there pocket and I draw my swords. They hesitate grabbing there katana but continue to run forward, they block as I strike.

"Who are you and what do you want?" I grit shoving them off and a decent distance away.

"You should have known you couldn't just leave, you will never escape the boss." The person huffs and runs at me again. The attempt to put the cloth over my mouth while I block there attack but Maki quickly comes up behind them putting it to there face. They pass out quickly and everyone looks up at me.

"Hey I knew he was coo coo creepy but I didn't think he was medically insane, jeez." More people drop down from the stairs above and everyone readys themselves. I feel an arm pull me towards the back and I notice its Toge. I wonder why he would do that? The people attack and everyone engages in a fight. Three more guys drop exactly next to me and one of them manages to grab me as I fight the other two, fuck.

Panic fills my mind as the cloth rises to my face but just before he manages to put it over my mouth a chilling voice rings through the air.

"Don't move." Everyone freezes not moving an inch. He coughs up some blood downing some throat medicine. He grabs Maki and Yuta pulling them away before doing the same thing to me and Panda. He turns back to the goons his  eyes burning with furry, I wonder what he's so upset about? "Get crushed." The words ring through the air as the goons crush into themselves and eventually explode from the pressure. "Release." We all relax and I practically fall over.

That was stressful, everyone is quiet on the ride back. Toge falls asleep on Panda who's also snoozing away and Yuta fell asleep on Maki whos awake reading a book.

"I'm sorry I know you guys didn't sign up for that." My voice breaks the silence and Maki chuckles.

"Don't be, we're your friends we'll protect you with our lives." Her words sound so desisive and I nod.

"Do you know why Toge was so upset earlier? Normally he's so calm during battle." Maki chuckles again and I continue to look at the back of her head confused.

"I guess you weren't paying attention, you should have seen his face when that guy grabbed you, I thought he was going to accidentally kill all of us just cause someone touched you, it was pretty scary for a moment." I nod still confused, I wonder why he would be so upset for that? We fight people and curses all the time what was so different? I've been grabbed before, never that close of a call though, maybe that was it? He thought I was gonna die so he snapped. That kind makes sense I'd snap for any of my friends to.

We catch a quick lunch and call it a day relaxing for the afternoon, it's peaceful and I fall asleep easy that night.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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