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I wake up around five am and after lying there for twenty minutes I finally give in and get up. I guess I don't get to sleep anymore. I pull my hair back and do my morning routine then my makeup. I had just finished changing when my watch went off, typical. Usually I wake up to the damn thing and rush out the door. I let my hair down grab my things and walk out to my car the envelope being black this time. Black? Black is not a good sign, at least I don't think it is. I've never seen a non white envelope.

I snatch it climbing into my car. Scanning it quickly I realize why its black. Its a normal job just a group of curses this time. Seven grade fours, easy as pie. But the scout never came back so theres another curse thats of an unknown power level. Black means proceed with extreme caution. I walk back inside to grab my throwing knives and my katana's. Not taking any chances, the scout has never disappeared before so this is extremely concerning.

I drive to the location and park in a public place per usual. Another abandoned building, this one had an elementary school next to it. That means children might have been devoured, gods how sick. I need to kill these things quickly and identify/kill that unknown curse. Slipping in I'm immediately confronted with the group of seven and I seamlessly take them out with my katana's. Grade fours are easy even a baseball bat could take them out with the right person swinging it. But taking them out made a decent amount of noise. No doubt I'm about to have company.

I quickly move away from the area, getting to a hidden overhead position and waiting. As the curse walks out my breathe catches in my throat. I barely avoided being seen, even a second later and I would have been ripped apart. The grade one curse looks around trying to find the cause of the other curses death. The cursed energy flowing out of it is enough to make my heart skip a couple beats not just one. That thing is no joke. It snarls in anger screeching in frustration at finding nothing. How the hell am I gonna take that thing out? I reach for my throwing knives but pause. A distance attack would help to hurt it but it would also give my position away. I reach for my katanas but pause again. Would it be my best bet to just launch attacks at it and hope for the best? Katanas might not do me much good against a curse this strong. Sighing I summon up as much energy as I can put into an attack. If this doesn't hurt it I'm fucked. But I'm not willing to die here, not without putting up a fight.

I launch the attack while the curses back is turned throwing my knives right after and jumping down swords drawn cursed energy bursting out of them. It turns around furious but I can see I did some damage. That gives me some hope at least. If I'm careful maybe just maybe I can pull this off. I run foward blocking the curses attack and slicing into its abdomen with my other katana. I jump backwards barely escaping its special attack it got so close it cut my cheek. I wince but run forwards again pulling the same attack. If I land a couple more of those I might be ok. But as if the curse read my mind it launched another special attack and I jumped back narrowly missing it again. Fuck this thing is smart I gotta change it up or I'm as good as dead. I summon another attack and jump out striking it hard where I damage it in the abdomen earlier. Running towards it cursed energy bursting out of my katanas I slash the same area but I just attack with both clashing against its ribcage sending us both flying backwards. I barely land quickly dodging as it launches another attack. It breaks the structure I'm hiding behind and I run barely making it to the staircare and escaping another attack. If that thing lands one hit on me I'm dead. I feel blood dripping down my hip as I barely dodge another attack. Another narrow miss, barely scraping me but causing damage where it scraped.

It chases me around the building, me narrowly escaping every attack until we're back where we started and I take more secure cover. This is it if this doesn't kill it then I never had a chance to begin with. I summon the last of the cursed energy inside me for one final attack. I put the very last remnants of my energy into my katanas. They burst with energy one final time and I jump out attacking. It appeared to have waited for me and launched an attack but I was faster and it sliced into its attack through its abdomen as I slice through it with my katanas and the torso goes flying. The cursed energy bursts out of its body as it leaks into mine and I nearly cry out from the sheer amount as I readjust to it. The sound of slow clapping behind me makes me jump gripping my katanas tightly.

"Wow now that was impressive." A lighthearted mans voice fills the silence as I turn to look at him. Its a very tall slim man with white hair and a blindfold. Why the fuck is he wearing a blindfold? Shit my orders are not to be seen and kill anyone who sees me. I have to kill this guy gods damn it I definitely did not sign up for all this bullshit today. I grip my katana but slide one of them back into its sheath. Something about this guy is different in a very off putting way. Everything in my body is saying not to fight him, something about him just isn't right.

"What are you some kind of pervert?" I give him a mistrusting look eyeing him carefully.

"Now that's assumptions. Not fully incorrect however thats not the case here." He shrugged and I gave him a look.

"Uhuh I see well considering you can see those things something tells me you're here for a reason." I step back creating more distance and he nods.

"You have cursed energy, an excessive amount. But you obviously don't understand how to use it. Yet you've found ways to anyway. How is that?" I just shrug.

"Self preservation I guess, I understand it well enough thank you." I snap the last comment and he puts his hands up in surrender.

"All I'm saying is you could be a lot stronger with the right training."

"Right, and let me guess you can help with that? I'm not interested I get paid enough." He chuckles.

"I'm not offering you a job I'm offering you a better life. But thats up to you." Admitting I'm curious. His offer for some reason is very tempting. And I've saved almost all my paychecks I've gotten over the years so I'm set for life whether I keep working or not...why is he so convincing? I've never met this man!

"Say I was interested and decided not to kill you. Whats in it for me?" He nods his face showing understanding as best it can with a blindfold.

"Like I said a better life, a chance to be one of the strongest. A chance to save the world from these curses. Also free room, board, and food." Ok I'm curious. It can't hurt to try, can it? I wanted to quit after this job anyway because I almost died I've had enough.

"Fine I won't kill you and I'll go with you. For now. If I see one wrong move that could be a threat I'm killing you." He chuckles.

"I would expect nothing less." He turns around and walks away. I follow behind him cautiously. We walk outside to the outside of a veil. Blood splashes on the walk as a terrifying curse bursts out of another curse massacring it. The blindfold guy mutters to himself mostly and I nod. She is absolutely terrifying. The veil breaks and a boy and a girl my age collapse the boy holding the girl and two kids. Fuck poor things, that must have been terrifying. I rush to make sure they're ok.

"Welcome back." I heard gojo talking to the boy as I help the girl and one of the kids. Gojo grabs the boy and the other kid and we rush them to the hospital. The boy wakes up before we get there and insists on helping so he takes the kid I was carrying and we rush them inside for help. What the hell did I get myself into?

Cursed - Toge Inumaki X OC/ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now