Chapter 5: Handsome

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The atmosphere in the Kulkarni household was tense as Damodar gathered his family together to deliver the news of Hukum's visit and his decision regarding Aditee's marriage. The air crackled with anticipation, each member of the family acutely aware that their lives were about to change forever.

Damodar cleared his throat, his voice steady and resolute as he addressed his loved ones. "I have something important to share with all of you," he began, his words carrying a weight that seemed to hang heavy in the air. "Yesterday, Hukum Rudraksh Rajvanshi visited our home with a proposal."

A murmur rippled through the room, a wave of uncertainty and apprehension washing over the assembled family members. Janaki, Aditee's younger sister, was the first to speak up, her voice tinged with disbelief. "But Papa, we can't just agree to this. We can file a complaint against him, take legal action—"

Damodar raised a hand, cutting her off with a firmness that brooked no argument. "Janaki, we have already made our decision," he said, his tone leaving no room for dissent. "There will be no complaints, no legal action. Hukum's proposal is not one to be questioned."

Aditee, who had been listening in silence, felt a surge of conflicting emotions wash over her. On the one hand, she knew that her family's safety and well-being were paramount, and she was prepared to do whatever it took to protect them. But on the other hand, the realization that Hukum, her long-time crush, had asked for her hand in marriage filled her with a giddy sense of excitement that she struggled to contain.

Summoning all her strength, Aditee spoke up, her voice steady despite the turmoil raging within her. "I am ready to marry Hukum," she declared, her words ringing out with a quiet determination that belied her inner turmoil. "For the sake of our family, I am willing to make this sacrifice."

Her family, unaware of the tumultuous emotions churning beneath the surface, nodded their approval, their eyes filled with pride and gratitude. "What a good daughter you are, Aditee," her mother murmured, her voice thick with emotion.

But Aditee knew the truth. She was not just sacrificing herself for her family; she was embracing the chance to be with the man she had secretly longed for. And as she watched the scene unfold before her, she couldn't help but wonder what the future held in store for her and Hukum, the enigmatic figure who had swept into her life like a force of nature.

As Aditee lay on her bed, a giddy smile playing on her lips and a pink blush gracing her cheeks, she couldn't help but drift back to the moment she first laid eyes on him. It was three months into her college life, at the tender age of 19, when she saw him emerge from the dean's office—a devilishly handsome man whose mere presence seemed to command attention. She was instantly captivated by his aura, standing frozen in place as he passed by.

Her friend Seema noticed her staring and quickly urged her to lower her gaze. "Oy, neeche dekh," she whispered urgently. "Unhone dekh liya na toh gardan kat jayegi ham dono ki." (Oy, Look down.) (If he sees, we'd be beheaded.)

Confused, Aditee questioned, "Kyu?" (Why)

Seema glanced around nervously before replying in a hushed tone, "Arey vo... Hukum Rudraksh Rajvanshi hai. Inferna Group ka CEO aur Rajvanshi Empire ke vaaris. Aur ab chal late ho raha hai class ke liye."

(Arey he is Hukum Rudraksh Rajvanshi. CEO of Inferna Group and Heir of Rajvanshi Empire. And let's go now, we are getting late for class.)

With that, they hurried off to their classes, but Aditee's mind was consumed by thoughts of Hukum Rudraksh Rajvanshi—the enigmatic figure who had captured her attention in an instant.

Returning to the present, Aditee rose from her bed and made her way to her walk-in closet. Opening the section reserved for sarees, she retrieved the blue saree that held a special significance—the one she had chosen for this evening. As she unfolded it, her eyes fell on a slam book diary tucked away among her belongings. Flipping through its pages, she was greeted by magazine clippings of Hukum, accompanied by heartfelt shayaris that she had penned for him. This diary was her sanctuary, a place where she poured her deepest feelings and admiration for Hukum.

Selecting one particular photo of him looking dashing in a navy blue suit and black shirt, she traced her finger gently over his image, a soft smile playing on her lips. "Jald milenge, Hukum. Sorry sorry, Patidev," she whispered softly, her heart fluttering with anticipation. (We'll meet soon, Hukum. Sorry, Dear Husband.)

Just then, her mother's voice rang out from downstairs, calling her for dinner. "Adu, jevayla chal," she called. (Adu, Come for dinner)

Aditee quickly composed herself, carefully placing everything back in its rightful spot before heading downstairs to join her family for dinner, her mind still filled with thoughts of the man who had captured her heart—Hukum Rudraksh Rajvanshi. Little did she know, their paths had crossed once before, and Hukum had noticed her radiant beauty in that very same blue saree.

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