Chapter 16: Broken Relations

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The dining hall of the Rajvanshi mansion exuded opulence, its walls adorned with intricate tapestries and its table set with fine china. Gayatri, Gauri, and Radha engaged in lively conversation with Meghnad and Sumitra, recounting their recent shopping excursion and the subtle changes they had noticed in Rudraksh's demeanor.

Gayatri's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as she described their shopping experience. "He was so attentive to Aditee's preferences. He picked out the most beautiful saree for her, as if he had known her for years," she exclaimed, her admiration evident.

Gauri nodded in agreement, a sense of pride evident in her smile. "Yes, it was heartwarming to see him opening up to someone. Aditee has brought a newfound joy into his life," she remarked, her gaze drifting towards the empty chair where Rudraksh usually sat.

Radha interjected, her voice filled with affection. "I've noticed the change in him as well. He seems happier lately, more at ease," she added, her eyes flickering with concern as she glanced towards the portrait-lined walls of the dining hall.

Kritika, who had been listening intently, nodded in agreement. "Aditee is perfect for him. She has a way of bringing out the best in him," she remarked, her tone filled with warmth.

Meghnad and Sumitra exchanged a knowing glance, their expressions reflecting a mixture of hope and concern. "Our son has endured so much pain," Meghnad remarked, his voice tinged with sorrow as he remembered the loss of his granddaughter.

Sumitra reached out and placed a comforting hand on Radha's shoulder. "He carries the weight of the past with him every day," she said, her voice soft but resolute.

Dadi's words broke the somber silence, her voice filled with wisdom and determination. "He seeks justice for what happened, and we will stand by him in his pursuit," she declared, her eyes reflecting a deep sense of resolve.

The family nodded in agreement, their expressions a testament to their unwavering support for Rudraksh's quest for justice. They understood the pain he carried within him, and they vowed to stand by him as he sought to right the wrongs of the past.

Hukum's POV

I detested it when she referred to me as Hukum. Not even a little bit. It felt like a relentless reminder of my failures, my inadequacies. So, I implored her to use my name.

"Rudraksh." The mere sound of it sends shivers down my spine, dredging up memories I've tried so desperately to bury. The echoes of Sameeksha's desperate cries for help, her pleas tearing through the fabric of my soul, haunt me relentlessly. Each time someone utters my name, it's like reopening an old wound, exposing the raw, festering pain that lurks within.

But when she timidly spoke my name, her voice laced with a fragile vulnerability, it was as if time stood still. In that moment, amidst the turmoil of my inner demons, her gentle utterance of my name felt like a soothing balm, a glimmer of light in the darkness of my haunted past. My demons had fallen silent.

I had already fucking killed one of those bastards, and I won't stop until I've sent the other two straight to hell. A brutal, fucking death awaits them, because the Devil himself has cooked up a damn carefully woven plan.

Sitting in my office, Raghav, my right-hand man and one of my most trusted friends, filled me in on Dhiraj's location. "Dhiraj is hiding in Chicago, Hukum. His wife left his sorry ass and hasn't been in touch with him," Raghav said.

I looked at him, swirling my glass of whisky. "He's charged with domestic abuse, Hukum. Marital rape case," Raghav answered my unspoken question.

"What else can we fucking expect?" I spat. "Bring him to me. Chicago toh ghoom liya ab jara jahannum ki sair karate hai." (He has visited Chicago now let's show him Hell.)

"Got it, Hukum," Raghav replied, turning to leave. But I stopped him, my anger boiling over as I ordered, "Ramp up Hukum Rani's security. We don't want any trouble before the wedding. And remember, she shouldn't have a clue that our people are around her."

“Ji, Hukum," Raghav nodded before taking off.

Now, as I emptied my glass, I made my way towards the secret room in my office. The presence in that room always brought a sick, twisted smile to my damn face.

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