Chapter 9: Heated

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Aditee's POV 

What am I blushing about exactly? Is it the fact that he called me "baby," or is it the realization that he's just as dominating as the male protagonists in the books I read? Unaware of what I'm saying, my words slip out, "Yes, sir." My eyes widen in shock, and he smirks—a devilish smirk that sends shivers down my spine. He leans in towards me, as if to kiss me, and instinctively, I close my eyes, my heart racing with anticipation. But instead, he moves towards my ear, his breath hot against my skin as he whispers in a low, dangerous voice, "My Little Kitten isn't all innocent it seems."

I want to move, to push him away, but I'm frozen in place, held captive by his presence and his words. He moves towards my other ear, his bearded cheek grazing mine, and whispers again, "You don't call me that unless..."

As he backs off, that same vicious expression still lingering on his face, I feel a rush of panic. I turn and run back to my hotel room, slamming the door shut behind me. Leaning against it, I clutch my speeding heart, trying to calm down. The mirror in the room reflects my flushed cheeks, a stark reminder of the effect he has on me. And as I feel the tingling sensation between my legs, I can't deny the impact of his words—they've left a mark, one that I'm not sure I can shake off easily.

Hukum's POV

As I watched Aditee standing there, lost in thought, I couldn't help but admire her beauty. She had changed into an elegant kurti, with just jhumkas adorning her ears and minimal makeup, just like the first time I saw her. It's been seven years of loving her from the shadows, and now, seeing her standing before me as a strong, independent woman, I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride. I approached her, breaking her chain of thoughts, and called out her name softly, "Aditee."

Her eyes met mine as she looked up, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. I could see the uncertainty in her gaze, the hint of shyness that made her even more endearing. I extended my hand to her, offering to sit down and talk, and watched as she hesitantly accepted, her soft hand fitting perfectly in mine. She was like a delicate flower, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of protectiveness wash over me.

As we sat down, I couldn't shake off the overwhelming urge to kiss her, to show her just how much she meant to me. But I knew I had to tread carefully, to not scare her away. Instead, I engaged her in conversation, asking her what she was doing out here so late. Her timid response only endeared her to me further, and I couldn't help but smile at her innocence.

As I watched Aditee nod in response to my explanation of being busy, a pang of disappointment washed over me. I wanted to hear her voice, to drown in the sweetness of her words. So, without a second thought, I gently lifted her chin, urging her to look at me. The sight of her blushing cheeks only fueled my desire further.

When she finally spoke, her timid "Yes, sir" sent a thrill down my spine. I could feel the heat rising between us, the tension thickening in the air. Leaning in closer, I could see the anticipation in her eyes, the yearning for something more. But I had other plans.

Whispering softly into her ear, I couldn't help but revel in the way her body tensed beneath my touch. The nickname I bestowed upon her seemed to strike a chord, and I couldn't resist teasing her further. Moving to her other ear, I felt the warmth of her skin against mine, igniting a fire within me that threatened to consume us both.

But as quickly as it began, I pulled away, leaving her standing there, a blushing mess. It pained me to see her like this, but I knew I had to tread carefully. She was unlike anyone I had ever met, and I couldn't afford to scare her away.

As I made my way back to my room, my mind was filled with thoughts of her, of the possibilities that lay ahead. But amidst the chaos, one thing remained clear – she was the only woman I had ever desired, the only one who had ever captured my heart. And no matter what the future held, I would do everything in my power to make her mine.

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