Chapter 23: Wedding

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Author's POV

The sun was beginning to set as Hukum and Aditee's traditional Indian wedding ceremony commenced in the open area surrounded by stone stairs. The mandap, adorned with various types of vibrant flowers, stood like a majestic bride itself, with red curtains cascading down like a grand canopy.

Aditee looked resplendent in her deep red traditional lehenga, intricately designed with golden threads that shimmered in the soft light. Her ensemble was complemented by exquisite Indian jewelry, from a stunning maang tikka adorning her forehead to intricate necklaces, earrings, and bangles, embellishing her from head to toe. Aditee radiated elegance and grace as she descended the stairs to the mandap.

Hukum, dressed in a matching kurta to Aditee's lehenga and a white dhoti with red borders, stood at the mandap, anticipation and excitement evident in his eyes. As Aditee approached, their gazes locked, conveying unspoken emotions that stirred within.

The wedding rituals commenced with sacred chants and prayers, performed by the priests under the ornate mandap. Hukum and Aditee exchanged garlands, symbolizing their acceptance and union. The sacred fire was lit, signifying the beginning of their marital journey.

Amidst the rituals, Hukum stole glances at Aditee, admiring her beauty and feeling overwhelmed with affection. Aditee, on the other hand, felt a mix of joy, nervousness, and anticipation as she embarked on this new chapter of her life with Hukum.

As the ceremony progressed, family and friends showered the couple with blessings and flower petals, symbolizing good wishes for their future together. The air was filled with joyous laughter and traditional music, adding to the festive ambiance.

During the pheras, Hukum and Aditee circled the sacred fire, making solemn vows to support and cherish each other for eternity. The binding of the mangalsutra around Aditee's neck and the application of sindoor in her hair parting marked the completion of the wedding rituals.

Finally, as the ceremony concluded, Hukum and Aditee exchanged loving glances, their hearts filled with the promise of a shared life ahead. Surrounded by the warmth of their loved ones, they embarked on their new journey as husband and wife.

As the time for Aditee's Bidaai approached, the atmosphere was filled with emotional intensity. Aditee's relatives gathered around her, tears streaming down their faces, unable to contain their sorrow at bidding farewell to their beloved daughter.

Aditee's mother held her tightly, her eyes brimming with tears. "Take care of yourself, beta. Always remember that we're just a phone call away," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion.

Aditee nodded, trying to muster a smile amidst her tears. "I will, Ma. I'll miss you so much."

Her father, trying to remain composed, held Aditee's hand firmly. "You're going to your new home now, but you'll always be our little girl. Make us proud."

Aditee hugged her father tightly, unable to hold back her tears. "I will, Papa. I promise."

Aditee's sister approached, her eyes red from crying. "You better stay in touch, Adi. Don't forget me."

Aditee smiled through her tears, embracing her sister. "I could never forget you, Janu. I'll call you every day."

Hukum watched Aditee's emotional farewell, a mixture of sadness and admiration in his eyes. He wanted to comfort her, to wipe away her tears, but he understood the gravity of the moment. This was a transition for Aditee, leaving behind her childhood home to start a new life with him.

As Aditee stepped closer to leave, her family showered her with blessings and well-wishes. The air was heavy with emotion as Aditee prepared to embark on her journey to her new life.

"Take care, Adi," her father said, his voice trembling.

Aditee nodded, tears flowing freely. "I will, Papa. I love you all so much."

With a heavy heart, Aditee finally stepped towards Hukum, who held her hand gently, offering silent reassurance. Together, they walked towards their future, leaving behind the echoes of tearful farewells and the promise of new beginnings.

Hukum's POV 

I was overwhelmed with emotion as we departed from the wedding venue, now officially married to the love of my life. Aditee, my beloved, tearfully said her goodbyes to her family, her hand waving until they disappeared from sight. 

Once settled inside the car, we took our seats in the back. I closed the divider between us and the driver, creating a private space for us to share this intimate moment. Aditee sat close beside me, her eyes still brimming with tears of parting. 

I placed my hand gently on her head, guiding her to lean against my shoulder for comfort. She clutched my arm with both hands, seeking solace in my presence. Her tears continued to flow softly, the weight of leaving her family and embarking on this new chapter of our lives together weighing heavily on her.

As the car began its journey towards our new home, I decided not to disturb her fragile peace. I knew we had nearly an hour ahead of us before reaching our destination, and Aditee needed this time to process her emotions and find solace in our union. The car ride was quiet, save for the soft hum of the engine and the occasional sound of Aditee's quiet sobs.

Throughout the journey, I held her close, allowing her to release her emotions and offering silent support. The landscape passed by in a blur outside the window, but inside the car, the bond between us strengthened with each passing moment. Despite the tears, there was an underlying sense of tranquility and anticipation for the life we would build together as husband and wife.

This moment marked the beginning of our shared journey, and I was determined to be a pillar of strength and comfort for my beloved Aditee as we embarked on this new adventure of marriage.

Another Update!!!
They're finally married guys!!!
Tell me what chapter up until now you liked the most.
Love you... Muah😘

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