Twenty-Three | A Revelation

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Sunlight, a mischievous accomplice, spilled across the plush carpeting, illuminating the forbidden. 

Mother's crown, usually resting atop a velvet cushion in her private chambers, glinted with an irresistible allure. 

Today, both of my parents were away, entangled in a whirlwind of meetings in some nearby city.

The weight of their absence pressed upon the palace, a strange quiet settling over the usually bustling halls.

The crown, a symbol of everything I wasn't supposed to touch, beckoned with a silent promise.

Curiosity, a relentless challenge within my ten-year-old self, took hold. 

With a heart that hammered a frantic rhythm against my ribs, I tiptoed towards the room, the plush carpet muffling the sound of my steps.

The crown, a masterpiece of glittering jewels and shining gold, sat bathed in the morning sun. 

It was breathtakingly beautiful, a tangible representation of the power and legacy it held.

Carefully, I reached out, my fingers brushing against the cool metal. 

It felt heavy, a weight far greater than the entirety of its parts.

Slowly, I lifted it, the crown settling awkwardly on my head. 

I stared at my reflection in the vanity mirror, a stranger with eyes too wide and a crown that seemed to mock my youthful innocence. 

A thrill of pretend power surged through me, a fleeting taste of the life that awaited me.

But the thrill was quickly overshadowed by a suffocating sense of unease. 

The weight of the crown, both literal and metaphorical, pressed down on me. 

It wasn't the weight of jewels, but the weight of expectation.

With a sigh that escaped my lips like a tiny rebellion, I carefully removed the crown, placing it back on its velvet cushion. 

The forbidden crown held no magic for me, only the weight of a destiny I didn't crave. 

As I made my way back to my room, a single, silent wish echoed in the vast emptiness of the palace.

A wish to trade the crown for a world where I could be free of expectations.

- Azzy

Chapter Twenty-Three: A Revelation

The moonlight cast an intimate glow through the garden's foliage, illuminating the urgency in Renata's hold.

 Her eyes silently mirrored the tangled desires swirling in my head.

I stole a glance at the soft curve of her lips, easily growing warm at even the idea of how they could possibly feel against my own. 

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