The Clearness of a Lake

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Hi! Just so you know, lots of Giyu angst.

Hope you like this chapter that I whipped up in a few hours!



A emotion Giyu Tomioka felt almost constantly. 

When people who lost loved ones to demons cursed him for not getting here sooner, their words added themselves onto a pile of self-hate.


"Yes, Master?" Giyu pulled himself together, ignoring the fact that he had zoned out in front of the master.

"Do you have anything to report?" Master Ubuyashiki said, his soothing voice a river over creek stones. 

"No, Master." Giyu replied, focusing on the purple scars around his eyes, shutting away his raw emotions.

"Good. It pleases greatly to see that you are uninjured, Giyu. Please, see me after the meeting." Master Ubuyashiki smiled, giving no reason to summon the Water Hashira to his quarters.

After the meeting, Giyu followed his instructions, excusing himself from the rest of the pillars, despite Shinazagawa's and Kocho's attempt to weed the truth out of him.

Oh, so you're different from us, huh? Shinazugawa's harsh voice tore at Giyu's ears, coupled by Kocho's demand for information. As usual, you say too little, Tomioka.

"Ah, Tomioka." 

"Hello, Master. You called me?"

"Yes, I wanted to ask you a question." Please answer me truthfully."

"As you wish, Master."

"Tell me, Giyu. Are you alright?"

Giyu looked up, blue gaze lighting on the scars on Ubuyashiki's face. "I am alright." he replied, pushing away the desire to tell the truth. 

But, he couldn't shake the feeling that someone said something similar to him.

"Physically, perhaps. But I see that you are suffering, deep down."

Giyu said nothing, lowering his eyes respectfully.

"I will not pry, not until you are ready, but I will allow a few days for you to find what you seek."

Giyu's neck snapped up, unnamed emotions crawling up his throat. 

"Forgive me Master, but if one of the hashira is not on duty-"

"It's alright, Giyu. I have designated several Corps members in your place. I believe the Corps will be fine."

Of course. Giyu thought, a little bitter. The Corps would be fine without me.

The Master smiled, not one of his small grins, but a genuine smile. "May you find what you seek, Giyu Tomioka, Water Hashira of the Demon Slayer Corps.


Water Hashira. Right.

Giyu stomped bitterly through the forest, not caring where he went. Snow fell gently, like a cold kiss from the heavens. 

I'm not the Water Hashira. There hasn't been a Water Hashira for years now. Sabito would've taken that title. If I had been strong enough...

Giyu froze, the snow dusting his black hair in streaks of white.

No no no no.

A crooked tree, devoid of leaves sat in the center of a clearing, skinny branches swaying under the growing weight of the snow. Under the tree, where leaves would've shaded the grass, a collection of rubble sat, covered in a fine layer of snow. 

No no no no. Not here. Anywhere but here.

A sob tried to force it's way out of GIyu's throat, but crushing guilt stuffed it down to join the tangle of despair in his stomach.

No no no no.


A girl with a scarlet kimono and a thick braid down her back turned, a smile on her face as Giyu ran towards her.

No. Not this. It had been years since he had stumbled upon a memory of his older sister, like traps all over...

No. Not the mountain. Not...


A boy in a checkered kimono and peach-colored hair turned, a grin on his face.

Giyu could see himself, running to the two, innocence and years of happiness radiating off his face. 

No. No no no no no no no.


Water Breathing: Eleventh Form. Dead Calm.

Giyu opened his eyes, blue eyes blank again, with the clearness of a lake.

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