Questions Asked, Answers Received

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A twang announced Giyu's father's assistant, Nakime, arrival to Giyu's warped room.

"Hello there, my prince." she bowed her head before Giyu. "My apologies for being late."

Giyu felt uncomfortable, with a bowing demon before him and all, but she suddenly straightened.

"Allow me to prepare you for your official return to your father, my lord." her tone made it clear that Giyu would probably have to go along with it.

He obediently sat down on his futon, allowing her to bustle around the room and strum her biwa to summon things to her.

"May I ask a question?" Giyu asked to Nakime's back.

She straightened and turned to face him, long bangs disguising her eyes.

"What is it, my prince?" she said imperiously, perhaps raising an eyebrow at him under those bangs.

"Could you explain to me my f-father?" Giyu's tongue, unfamiliar with the word, twisted itself into a knot. "I want to know more about him." he confessed.

He trusted them, as much as his dislike for demons screamed at him otherwise. 

I'm giving them a chance. If they squander it, they'll be sorry.

She sighed, walking around the futon to his back, untying his hair from his ponytail. 

"Your father is the lord of demons," she began, running a comb through the tufts of hair. "He was a kind man, not letting his dislike of all things living mask his view of the world. I do not know how he became a demon, just of a enemy."

Giyu digested these words, processing them in his mind.

"He turned me into a demon to save me from an illness. I was dying when he did, and I forever owe him my life. He turned others, including his upper-ranks to save them from illness or other things. We were indebted to him, as our strength grew as we consumed his blood."

"Wait," Giyu interrupted. "How does he gain power?" He felt sick in his stomach. 

Please do eat flesh. Please...

"He gains power by simply being in his demonic stage. Rather like exercising a muscle that will become stronger through training and maintaining that stage."

Giyu almost sighed with relief, spine sagging a little.

"What about my family? The Tomiokas?" Giyu asked as Nakime finished pulling the comb through his dark hair.

"The Tomiokas? I've heard of the name. The Tomiokas were a family related to the first Water Breathers. I believe your mother's sister, Himari, married into the Tomioka family. It is also a line of marechi, rare blood, I believe. So you are distantly related to the family that raised you."


Hey guys!

I just decided to post this chapter now to satisfy your needs of this story. Yes, yes, there you go, one chapter complete of his backstory. I made up some of the stuff so please don't criticize!

I hope you like this, even though it's eventually going to be super long.

Elenora, over and out!

Giyu Kibutsiji | Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no YabiaWhere stories live. Discover now