Wounds That Run Deep

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A girl with a dark braid down her back and beautiful features lifted her head, tears spilling down her face.

"Oh, Giyu. Oh, Giyu." she reached out, pulling the toddler to her lap, tears dripping on his black ponytail. 

White sheaves of paper covered the faces of two people. One wearing a patterned blue kimono, the other a simple scarlet one. Giyu remembered that they were his parents, but didn't understand why there were two leaves of paper on their heads.

"Nee-san? Why?" he asked, squirming in her crushing grasp. 

"They're gone, Giyu. Gone." Tsutako sobbed, holding onto her brother like it was the only thing anchoring her to this world.

Maybe he was, but all he could do was rub salt on the wound.


Giyu took a deep breath, surveying the clearing.

Here was where he would play while... his family ran businesses down town. 

Father was a wealthy merchant, and mother a pharmacist. He barely remembered them, just the familiar swish of fabric and the whiff of his mother's perfume.

That didn't stop tears from prickling his eyes.

He shook himself, there was a village nearby, but he swore never to go there again. Another town was further, but he doubted that he would make it there before sundown.

That's fine. I can slay any demons along the way.

He set off at an alarmingly fast pace, determined to not let his mind trip over another assault of memories.


Giyu Tomioka reach the town Usaki by nightfall, kanata unused. 

He settled in a inn room, and lay awake, blue eyes staring emptily at the boarded ceiling.

Nogata was a small town, large enough to actively be a part of the economy. His father and mother where people who he barely knew, his... sister the only member of his family he could truly picture her face.

He wished he didn't. 

It hurt too much.

Why am I here? Giyu wondered. The Master wanted me to "reclaim" myself. I suppose this is a good start. Remembering my family.

He took a deep breath, steeling his emotions before pulling out the memories that had pained him for far too long.


His earliest memory was of his parents, a simple action.

"Look Giyu. Mom and Dad are lighting a fire. It's pretty, isn't it?" Tsutako's voice was like leaves falling gently off the cherry tree, soft against his cheeks.

Their faces were blurred, but the contentedness radiated off of their bodies in waves. 

His next memory was of Tsutako.


Mother and Father had left for work, and Tsutako was coming to play with him. This memory was just of the good times before their death.

Speaking of which...

Tsutako was crying.

Giyu hated it when she did, because he would feel sad too. He face was all pinched up and red when she cried, so she looked less pretty, a trait Giyu loved about her.

His parent's where dead.

He didn't know when they became ill, or even that they were until they were dead.

Tsutako had sobbed into him, clutching him tight.

The next memory wasn't too far off into the future.

It was dark.

No, not dark. Just the black kimonos trailing off the shoulders of hundreds of adults that crowded him.

Only the sensation of fabric and the sight of the funeral stayed with him, along with a solemness that a three year old shouldn't possess.

You will meet them again, Giyu.

Giyu jolted up, eyes wide.

Your mother, let's see... She was a kind woman, strong in a sense that demons are. She had your hair and eye color, smile too. However, everyone suspected that you had your father in you.

He swallowed, saliva thick in his throat.

That man...

"Strong in a sense that demons are." 

He knew of demons.

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