The Infinity Castle

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Giyu woke to a ringing noise in his head, annoying high-pitched.

He didn't open his eyes right away, but focused on his other senses.

He was on a incredibly soft futon, like he was lying on air. He wasn't wearing his haori, nor the Corps uniform. He felt alone.

No. There was another presence, just masked so skillfully that he couldn't detect it at first. 

His eyes snapped open, fist lashing out and connecting to a pale yellow cheek.

"Aiee!" a shriek tore Giyu's eardrums. 

A strange snaky creature with switched features screeched, small arms reaching up to soothe the inflamed skin. 

"No one's ever tried to fight me using their fists!" it cried, hands flopping down to reveal the 'Upper 5' engraved on it's eyes. Well, the place where it's mouth should be and it's forehead should be. 

Did you guys know that your forehead can fit four fingers on it? I actually didn't know this until a few days ago. Try it yourself!

"Hyo. Hyo!" it laughed, snaking it's way to Giyu, who rattled the door furiously. "That won't work, my prince. Nakime's doors are infused with his Lordship's blood, so they are unbreakable and can withstand even the strikes of a nichrin sword! Hyo hyo!"

"Be quiet, you." Giyu snarled, giving the door a final shove. "What am I doing here?"

Upper rank 5 giggled, "Hyo hyo. I shouldn't expect you to know why you're here instead of in that lower's stomach, no?"

Giyu frowned at the demon, distrust coiling in his stomach. "Yes." he spat distrustfully.

"Enough, Gyokko." a man burst from the door, human-like besides his pinkish eyes. "Leave this room."

"As you wish, my lordship." Gyokko slithered back into his pot, the vase rattling slightly.

The man sighed, before turning to Giyu, who took a stance, uncertain whether to trust this man or not.


Giyu took a step back, maintaining his stance. "Who are you? And what do you mean by 'Aoi'?"

"Sit." the man said simply, gesturing to the futon, hand falling as Giyu simply narrowed his eyes at the request. 

"Who are you?" he said sharply, wary of this ma- no, demon.

"My name is Muzan Kibutsuji, the king of demons. And you, Aoi Higanbana, are my son."

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