Several Millennium Ago - Part Two

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Aoi's eyes were a deep, deep blue, so un-humanly against the rest of him. 

"My lord...!" Kaeru, Upper Five, croaked, blinking up at the pair. 

Lord Muzan held up a finger in his direction, shutting Kaeru up. 

Aoi shut his small mouth, blue eyes now slightly more alert. The iris's slid from demon to platform to door, eyes never fixated on one spot.

He was cute, Mitsuki admitted. After all, with those big blue eyes and tiny body, it was impossible to not coo and aw at the child.

"My Lord," Masao said, more hesitant after Lord Muzan's reprimand. "This is your son...?"

"Yes, Masao, this is my son." Lord Muzan looked at him as Aoi squirmed in his bundle. "Would you like to hold him?" he asked, cooing at his son gently.

If it pleases his Lordship, Mitsuki sighed mentally, before volunteering.

Aoi was extremely light, almost as if he weighted nothing at all. Mitsuki had never held a baby before, at least, not that she remembered, and coupled with the unexpected lightness, she felt uncertain and gangly with such a delicate child.

Aoi's eyes finally found purchase on Mitsuki's face, pulling at her heartstrings. 

"Ah?" Aoi mumbled, eyes steady.

"He's so cute!" Omoide squealed, probably hopping up and down. 

Shut up, you'll probably make him cry. And such a cutie doesn't deserve to feel sad at all. Mitsuki snarled mentally at Omiode.

Lord Muzan allowed a small smile to play on his lips. Aoi had charmed Mitsuki instantly, with his cute noises and eyes, it was no wonder. 

Omiode offered(snatched) Aoi next, cooing(making embarrassing smoochy noises) at Aoi.

"Who's the cutest thing ever? You are! Yes, you are!" Omiode cooed, bouncing the confused baby up and down.

"Shut up, you pathetic lug!" Mitsuki snapped, glaring at him with hard eyes.

Omiode eventually surrendered the child to Kaeru, grumbling as he did so.

"He's just so cute!" he mumbled as Kaeru held him rather uncomfortably.

Mitsuki glared at all of the demon she could see. 

If any of you harm a single hair on his head, I'll kill you. I'll make sure he's never sad, in pain. I'll see to that.

Unfortunately, she never did.

Just 103 years later, Mitsuki died at the hands of Asahi Tomioka, Water Hashira of the Demon Slayer Corps.

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