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Giyu cried.

He cried for the boy who knew happiness.

He cried for the boy who's happiness was shattered.

He cried for the boy he thought he was.

He cried for Tsutako.

He cried for Sabito.

But mostly, he cried for himself.

He wanted to believe him. He wanted his family back so badly it hurt.

His father's embrace was strong. Strong and comforting, with the gentleness of a father. 

Giyu rubbed his face deeper into the dark fabric, feeling embarrassed at his childish bawling and reliance on his father.

He pushed away from his father, looking into his pink eyes. 

"Fa-" he choked on the word, something he had never used in years. "Muzan," he managed. "C-can I have a few moments to myself?" 

His father looked just as uncomfortable as he, shifting his weight from foot to foot. 

"Of course, A-" he stifled the name. "My assistant, Nakime will be here soon to help you around the castle."

He bowed his head out, shutting the door and some important feeling along with it.


Hey guys!

I'm so sorry for not updating, I just need comments and motivation, so those of you who comment, a huge thank you!

I can't update as often because I'm obsessed with reading fanfics, not really writing them. I hope you understand.

Elenora Greenwood, over and out!

Giyu Kibutsiji | Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no YabiaWhere stories live. Discover now