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"No. No, you're not my father." Giyu said, ready to tear off his face in anger. 

The demon sighed, before raising his right eyebrow. 

"I didn't expect you to believe me. After all, you were barely two when I last saw of you, so I'm not surprised."

Giyu snarled, blue eyes blazing. "I'd remember if I had a foul murderer for my father." he spat.

He felt angry, most emotion he had felt in more than five years. 

How dare this demon lie to him about his legacy. His family.

He sighed, looking slightly annoyed as Giyu trembled with fury. 

"I am your father, Aoi-"

"My name is Giyu Tomioka, not Aoi." 

The demon's pink eyes flickered briefly with hurt, before he sighed again.

"Allow me to explain, Giyu." he said, ignoring Giyu's bristling at the use of his first name.

"To begin with, I will tell you of my story. As a human, I was very weak. Because of it, I learned to despise every living thing that could walk around freely, while I suffered. A physician offered me a medicine that turned me into this." he gestured to himself.

"When I became a demon, I desired a body to walk under the sun. And only one thing could give me this ability. The Blue Spider Lily. I found the Higanbana family a century after my demonization. Their name means Spider Lily, and I thought I found it. However, there was no Blue Spider Lily. But I found your mother instead. She was a kind woman in her family of botanists, and I knew nothing of the human concept love. However, what I felt for your mother was nothing after you were born. She raised you, but died soon after." At this point, his face began to flush with untold emotions. 

Giyu was surprised, unsure what to do with this. He felt only cold detachment to this story.

The demon took a long breath and continued.

"Your mother named you Aoi, after the blue in your eyes. After she died, I insisted your name would be hers, carrying her memory. Aoi Higanbana. Blue Spider Lily. You were born with an unusual mark on your chin, much resembling a demonic crest. Your mother became suspicious of my origins, but never found out. I raised you with as much love an care as possible. I spent days on end playing and caring for you. However, a few centuries later, I found your bed empty. I tore apart the Infinity Castle looking for you. My anger was not restrained. I commanded all my forces to look for you, burning your face into their minds." 

Giyu trembled, head aching fiercely. A pounding memory locked against his skull. 



It was a demon. 

Not that he knew how to read back then, but now it was obvious. 

Upper Five was engraved on his eyeballs. A demon with strange marking and familiarity smiled at him with a love reserved for him. 

"C'mere. Come to Oki." he spread his arms with a smile that revealed sharp fangs.

His younger self push himself onto his stumbling feet and wobbled into his arms with a babble. 

"Ah! Oh you're so cute." Oki cooed, touching their noses together. 

Giyu didn't realize he was crying. 

Not until his father wrapped his arms around him.

Giyu Kibutsiji | Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no YabiaWhere stories live. Discover now