Several Millennium Ago - Part 1

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Warped doors, wooden rooms and endless corridors.

The alternate dimension.

The Infinity Castle.

Mitsuki gazed around her, the Upper Six sliding from door to door as she stood on a platform.

What am I doing here? Was an Upper Rank killed? 

She allowed the twang of Lord Muzan's pet Nakime's biwa teleport her to a platform. She wasn't going to spend time traversing the infinite space.

"Ah! Upper Six, isn't it?" a voice said, wet and slimy as Upper Five gazed down at Mistuki from his respective platform.

She cast him a cursory glance, before drawing her attention to the Nakime, who sat several feet away.

"Nakime, isn't it? Where is Lord Muzan?"

"I can say with certainty he has not arrived, Upper Six." she replied, bangs obscuring her eyes.

"Ah, how long has it been since the last summons?" a voice sighed. "Oh it makes me feel nostalgic." the kanjis Upper Three glinted on pink eyes the had a sadistic glint in them.

"Well, if it isn't Omoide!" the wet voice slithered unpleasantly down Misuki's ears. 

"Ah, hello there Kaeru! It's been so long, what, 98 years since the last summons?" Omoide smiled at the frog demon.

"Yes, nearly a hundred!" he squealed, his outburst followed by an unpleasant squelch.

"Ugh, don't you have elsewhere to go squish around in, you toad?" Mitsuki hissed, annoyed at the demon. 

"Not until morning." he croaked at her, saucy grin on his flat face. 

"Lord Muzan is here." Nakime interrupted smoothly, voice loud and clear.

Mitsuki gasped, a thick aura settling heavily on her shoulders. 

Lord Muzan.

"My lord!" another demon squawked, kissing the floor as he bowed.

"Be quiet, Masao." Lord Muzan's rich voice came from above Mitsuki. 

Mitsuki dared to look up, and was meet with a rather strange and unbelievable sight.

A tiny child lay, curled up in Lord Muzan's arms, bundled up in white woolen sheets. His eyes were unbroken lines, dark hair sticking out in fluffy tufts on his head. His chest rose and fell as he slumbered, unbeknownst to the 8 powerful demons in the room. 

This easily could've been a normal child, except for the navy blue mark that swirled on his left cheek like paint in water.

Lord Muzan looked down at the child with a fondness Mitsuki had never seen, usually his eyes were relaxed with mirth shining within the pink pupils. Now, they were filled with immeasurable pride and joy. 

"This is Aoi, my son. He is to be raised by me, along with you seven. Should you even be the causation of his crying, you will be subject to the sun." Lord Muzan's eyes burned with the brief threat, before he refocused on his son.


All Mitsuki could see was blue as Aoi opened his eyes sleepily, gazing at his father. 

He squirmed slightly, opening his mouth with a small "Ah" as he blinked awake. 

"Hello there, Aoi. Welcome to the Infinity Castle."

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