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If that man knew of the Corps, then surely he could provide a clue to his parents.

Giyu felt a strange feeling wash over him, unsure of this thought.

I can try to find him, but I doubt he's still alive.

There's the possibility that he's a demon, but if he was, a slayer would've taken his head.

A plan solidified in his head, filling his body with reassurance.

Then, an aura, thick and heavy settled over his shoulders. 

A demon.

Giyu leapt out of bed, fastening his kanata and flinging on his haori quickly.

How did he not notice?

Oh well, it didn't matter. Just as long as he took it's head.

He leapt out the window, lithe and quick as a cat. 

He hit the ground with nary a sound, running as fast as he could, blue eyes sweeping the area.

He froze.

A man with a striped haori, similar to Serpent Hashira Iguro Obani, lay on the ground, blood dripping. The metallic smell settled heavily in his stomach.

A demon stood above the body, blond dripping from it's pale hands and mouth.

It was a man with pale gray hair that vaguely reminded him of Urokadaki, and pale skin. He wore a simple gray haori and clogs. He would've blended in perfectly in a crowd.

But the chill he felt wasn't from the demon's presence. No.

It was the same man in his memory.

"Oh, ho. What do we have here?" a chuckling drawl came from the man. "A hashira?" He looked up, smiling. "It's been years since I last encountered one."

A number engraved itself on his eye.

Lower 6.

Giyu took a stance, before he spoke.

"Did you know my parents?"

"Hmm?" The demon's pupil's dilated as he took in the question, licking the thick stream of blood on his hands. 

Then, his eyes widened. 


Giyu felt a painful stab between his eyes, a memory resurfacing.

He ignored it, hand ready to unsheathe his sword.

Then, a thump as he dropped the man's arm as he lunged at Giyu.

Giyu whipped his arm up, slashing off his arm. 

A arm snaked past the sword, gripping his arm.

"Your parents..."the demon hissed, gripping his arm so tightly that his hand felt numb.


"Nakime..." he hissed, interrupting him, numbered eyes still fixed painfully on him.

A thump, a clatter and a plucking of a string and everything went black. 

Giyu Kibutsiji | Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no YabiaWhere stories live. Discover now