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a/n: thank you everyone for your patience with this chapter! i got caught up with work and have barely been able to write 😭 but am back now and writing! enjoy the chapter! :)


SOFT HANDS ON his cheeks. A tender laugh as she leans down, her hair draping him as she softly kisses him. Placing his hands on her hips, Logan pulls her closer. His eyes are closed, he's so lost in her.

Opening them, he looks up at Clara as she pulls away, tilting her head to the left slightly, looking at him adoringly.

He leans forward, kissing her one more time. "Clare," He whispers, and she softly hums, "Hmm?" In response.

"I—" It takes him a moment. He leans away from her again, and looks up at her.

Clara. In his dream. Not Jean.

Logan then woke with a start, gasping for air. Sitting up in his bed, the room is dark. Clara? In his dreams? Wait. Where the hell was he?

Logan groaned, and rubbed his hands against his face. His motel room, that's where he was. He had come back to it once Maisie had moved in with Clara, a couple of weeks ago. Man, he really needed to find an apartment soon. He couldn't stay in this motel forever.

Picking his phone up and off the nightstand, he hesitated over Clara's contact. He couldn't stop thinking about his dream he'd had of her. More and more, recently, he'd been having dreams of her instead of Jean. Whether it be she appeared in Jean's place in his nightmares, or in Jean's place in his happy dreams. She was starting to always...Be there.

He'd been spending a lot of time with her, and with Katie, too. She'd come out of her shell the longer she'd been in town, and loved coming along with them to Jerry's bar each night. She'd been helping Clara start cooking at home more, and even Logan was coming out of his own shell more.

Ah, what the hell. There was no escaping Clara unless he left her. He hit the call button, and brought the phone up to his ear.

"Is this actually Logan, calling me?" Clara's voice came through after a few rings.

"Oh, shut up," He replied, making her laugh. "I wanted to see what you were up to."

"Well, I actually have plans today, with Jamie. So I'll be going into New York City today," Clara replied. "Is it too much of me to ask if you'll still hang around the shop in case Katie needs anything?"

"You do know Katie's not a kid anymore, right Clare?" He asked, and she groaned. "Don't worry, I'm just teasing. I'll come over and do some work, I know she'll want to do some work today, too."

"Thank you," Clara quietly said. "I really appreciate it."

"Of course, Clare. I don't mind, really. I'll come over in...Ten minutes?" Logan looked at the clock on his nightstand, and then at his open suitcase, the contents spread messily around the room.

"Sounds good! I'll see you soon, Logan!" Clara exclaimed, and they exchanged goodbyes before hanging up. Logan got out of bed, stretching. He decided to take a quick shower before changing into some fresh clothes, and then started his walk towards Clara's apartment.

The closer he got to her apartment, the more his heart started to pound in his chest. She wouldn't hear it, not the way he could on another person. But getting such a reaction...He was still up in the air about how he felt about it. But he wasn't going to make himself stay away from Clara, that would feel ridiculous. All over a silly crush?

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