A Bad Day

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{Inside Vayu's Limousine}

"Why are you in this state?" asked the person who was driving while Vayu was sitting at the back of the car.

"You're no one to ask me this."

"Well actually, I am. I'm your butler, after all."

"Not mine. But hers."

"Nope. I'm the butler of you both."

"I asked the maid to send me a car. But somehow you came to pick me up in a fricking limousine. I know you have it, but neither you nor this big ass car should have come here." Vayu said as he picked up a juice bottle lying nearby.

"Well, you're forgetting something. The maid you texted earlier is my beloved wife! We are your generational servants!! Also, this car is given to me by your late father to service your family. It's all yours." the butler replied.

"Generational servants?? Did you forget who I am?? I'm an orphan. Not at all related to the family for whom you ought to serve."

"But you were adopted by them!! So that makes you my master!" the butler replied, annoyingly. He was getting irritated by Vayu's words. "Stop arguing now, sir. Please tell me why are you in such a miserable state."

"Why am I not getting a feeling of empathy from your words but of mockery?"

"Is it so? I don't think so," the butler replied while giggling.

"You enjoy mocking me, don't you? You have always hated me from day one."

"I still hate you. You were never grateful for my master of taking you in. I hate that about you. But it's my responsibility to take care of an idiot like you. And definitely I love to mock the person so arrogant like you! I mostly don't get the opportunity to tease you, but when I get, I experience divine satisfaction!!"

"Fair enough."

"So what happened?"

"Hmph. I think I should tell you this one." Vayu leaned towards him. Vayu's face was now just beside the butler's, but both were looking straight on the road. Vayu continues, "Remember when I filled that admission form online? I didn't mention my surname, and I needed to explain that I am an orphan and was raised in three different orphanages."

"That was the most idiotic decision ever made by you. There was no need to write about all three orphanages!! Only one would have done the deed!! Especially considering that the parent organisation who used to run those orphanages dissolved and no such orphanage exist right now!!"

"I mentioned it because I thought that way the school will think I'm honest and will not interfere much with my life. But two things went wrong....."


"Anih.....she used to live with me in my first orphanage. By some great coincidence, she also got admitted in the same class as me and she also mentioned about the orphanage. So it gathered unwanted attention and curiosity for my class teacher. And unlike other teachers, he is a damn sucker of a person."

"And second one??"

"Someone lied to me about the orphanages.....he didn't tell me the complete information about them.....they never told me what happened to them after I left...."

"Y-" suddenly the butler felt a sharp object moving on his neck.

"So why did you lie?" Vayu whispered in his ear, still looking forward.

"I never lied. Your father told me to hide that information from you. Your parents never wanted you to know about the dark reality of them," he replied without hesitation. Even when a knife was on his neck, he wasn't sweating. He still had a fade smile on his face.

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