Chapter 25-Beau comes over

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*3 months later*

I know most women complain about the effects of being pregnant; the back aches, the swollen feet, the cravings for a certain type of food (I had recently discovered that my craving was chicken nuggets!) but I'm enjoying every moment of being pregnant! Sure, my hormones are everywhere but I try not to let it effect me too much! My stomach is getting bigger now too! Everything is perfect.

The rest of the boys know about me being pregnant now too. They all congratulated me, even though Beau did look a little bit sad but I can understand why (I mean he's going to have to see this baby grow up thinking that Luke is his dad...But when this little kid is old enough, I know I'm going to tell him the truth and confess that Beau is his biological father) Never the less, Beau hugged me along with the rest of the boys and one by one, they were placing their heads on my stomach, expecting to hear the baby. Myself, Luke and Beau have agreed to stick to the story that Luke is the dad. We don't want things to get all confusing....

So it was a Friday evening and I was home alone. I wanted to watch a scary movie on the tv but I needed someone here with me so that I could feel safe! So I called up the Brooks' house phone and Gina answered with such a polite tone as she always has.

"Hello?" Asked Gina

"Oh hi Gina! I was just wondering, is Luke there? I'd like him to come over and comfort me or at least watch this film with me"

"Sorry hunny, Luke's at one of his old friends house party with Jai tonight. But Beau's here. I could send him over if you like?"

"Oh...Well ok then. Sure, send Beau over! Thankyou Gina!"

"No problem my dear. I'll be sure to make him bring you some chicken nuggets!" Said Gina. She found out I was pregnant when I was round their house one day; I managed to eat about 50 chicken nuggets! She became suspicious so I just decided to tell her straight away. She was so happy for me! But I decided to tell her that Luke was the father. Otherwise she might think that I'm not good enough for her sons and that I'm just a slut going round, sleeping with every boy in my sight.

Beau is so understanding. I can see that it kills him to see me say that it's Luke's baby and not his so recently I've been trying to make it up to Beau. I've been spending more time hanging out with him and going out to places with him. He seems so happy when were together. Sometimes I think to myself 'what if Beau and I were together? We'd be having a baby together and it wouldn't be messing with his heart at all..' But I know I can't be thinking like this. I belong with Luke. Beau will always be a special person in my life, but just for different reasons.

I put the phone down and about 15 minutes later, there was a knock on my door. I opened it to see a bag of McDonalds chicken nuggets on the doorstep but where's Beau? I stepped out to grab the bag when Beau jumped out from the side of my house.

"Boo!" Shouted Beau

"OH MY GOD!! Beau don't scare me like that!!!!!"

"Hahaha sorry I just had to! Your face was priceless!"

"Hmm." I turned around and pretended that I was annoyed with him.

"We'll maybe I can make it up to you with these?" We waved the bag of nuggets near me. I could smell them. Oh god how I craved them!

"Ohh damn you Beau Brooks! You know how to make a girl forgive you!" I faced him and grabbed the bag from his hand. Then I gave him a quick hug and invited him in.

He sat on the sofa and I went to the kitchen to get my nuggets ready.

I came back and told him to put the film on.

"Are you sure you want to watch this? I heard its a pretty scary film!" Said Beau

"We'll that's why you're here duhhh! I need someone to keep me safe!" I said and sat beside him on the sofa.

"Haha well I am a pretty brave little boy, if I do say so myself!"

"Exactly!" I replied

He put the film on and then put his arm around me, pulling me close to is chest. I liked being with Beau. I suppose it's because I know he's the dad of the baby and in some way, we should be together taking care of it. But my heart will always belong to Luke....

About half way through the film, Beau's phone starting ringing. His arm was still around me but after picking up his phone he suddenly he removed it and sat up. He looked worried.

"Beau? What's wrong?" I asked, not sure if I should be concerned or not.

*on the phone* "what?! Are you sure? Bloody hell...Ok I'll be there as soon as I can to pick you two up."

"Well?" I asked him

"That was Jai. You know this party him and Luke are at? Well Luke's pissed out of his mind and Jai's pretty worried about the way he's behaving. I'm going to pick them up and bring them home." He said and he got up out the sofa.

"Wait so you're leaving? Well I'll come too! I don't want to be here alone after watching that film and besides, you might need assistance?"

"Ok then you can come along too but I want you to be careful ok? We don't want anything happening to our-I mean your baby, do we?" He suddenly looked all sad when he had to remind himself to act as though it was Luke's baby.

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