Chapter 31-It's Time

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I was lying on the stretcher, being wheeled down long corridors and going through swinging doors in the hospital. I could hear the paramedics shouting and fussing over me but all I could think about was the baby. What if something happened to it? What if I killed it?

I was wheeled into a ward full of other patients until I was placed into a room of my own, allowing me to have privacy from the other people. I was then lifted from the stretcher over to the hospital bed. A doctor appeared after making his way past the people who were crowded around me. I felt like I was about to have a panic attack until I felt Luke's touch. He held onto my hand and I squeezed it tightly. I felt slightly better knowing he was right by my side. He gave me a reassuring smile although I couldn't possibly return the same gesture. I was still in pain, I was surrounded by all these nurses fussing over me and looking me over and after all this, I STILL DON'T KNOW IF MY BABY IS OK!

"Ok, Kayla, is it?" Asked one of the nurses.

"Yes that's my name." I replied, breathing heavily.

"Ok, it says here that you're 7 months pregnant."

"Yes and I'm due to give birth in 2 months!" I replied, having to be as calm as possible, though this was beyond difficult..

"Umm...I don't think that's possible." She said

I looked at her and tilted my head slightly with confusion.

"Excuse me?!" I shouted

"I mean, you can't give birth then. If you're going to do it, you're going to have to give birth now. It's going to be a premature birth but as long as we do it now, you will give birth to a happy little baby boy."

"What?! But-but....Why can't he hang on for a little while longer?!"

"Because the baby isn't receiving enough blood. If you don't give birth now, he might not survive."

I didn't know what to say. I looked straight up at Luke. He gave me a warm smile and made direct eye contact with me.

"Do what you've got to do Kayla. I love you." He said

I nodded and darted my eyes straight back at the nurse.

" I'll do it! I'll do anything to kelp this baby alive. Do whatever's necessary! And do it now!" I shouted. She rushed straight out to get a midwife and the equipment that we were going to need to deliver the baby.

"Luke I'm frightened. What if the baby doesn't make it....what if its all my fault?"

"Kayla, don't you dare blame yourself for anything. And this baby will pull through- trust me."

"How do you know?"

"I just do. I believe in you and the baby." He said as he leaned down to my cheek and kissed me.

I felt the reassurance I needed to keep me strong.

The nurse returned and held out an injection.

"Ok now Kayla, I need to inject you with this pethidine injection. It'll relieve you of the pain you've been having." She said as she placed the cold needle against my skin, before pricking it slightly, allowing the liquid to enter my body.

I felt the pain die down slightly and felt more relaxed.

The midwife walked in and smiled at myself and Luke as she introduced herself.

"Hi there! I'm Lucy and I will be delivering your baby today!" She seemed nice so I tried to return the same emotion to her by being as polite as I could.

She pulled up a stool and pulled rubber gloves over her hands. I hated the way they snapped as she pulled them up as high as they would go. It made me jump slightly but Luke immediately started gently rubbing my palm with his thumb.

Lucy sat down on the stool and called over the nurse to be her assistant. Then she looked straight at me.

"Ok Kayla, It looks like its time. Now I'm going to need you to give me a big push. Can you do that for me?"

I nodded and sat up slightly to get as comfortable as possible.

"Ok, take a deep breath and push in 3, 2,1, PUSH!"

I squeezed my eyes shut and gripped hold of Luke's hand tightly. I used all my energy I had in me to push the baby out. I could feel my face turning bright red as I started to get head rush.

"That's great Kayla! You're doing just fine. But I need to to push again for me. 3, 2, 1, Go!"

I pushed with all my mite, I could feel pain and tears made their way down my face. But knowing Luke was right by my side made it just about bare able.

"It's crowning!" Said Lucy.

Luke slowly waled over to where the midwife was, to get a look at what was happening down there.

"Oh my god Kayla! I can see him! I can see our baby's head!" He immediately returned to my side.

"Looks like we just need one more push." Said Lucy

I felt almost lifeless but I knew if I didn't give birth now, my baby might not make it..So I exerted every single bit of strength and power I had left in me into this final push.

"Come on baby, just this last push, and it'll all be over. You can do it!" Said Luke

"ARGGHHHHHHHHH" I shouted as I made a final push to get the baby out of me. I was so loud, the whole ward probably heard me. But it didn't bother me.

I pushed and pushed until I felt something slip out. I fell backwards into my bed and lay there trying to catch my breath. There was silence until a small cry filled the room.

I turned my head to Luke. His jaw was wide open. Then he lifted up his hand to wipe away a teardrop falling down his cheek. Then I looked down at the midwife to see a beautiful baby in her arms.

"Congratulations. It's a boy!" Said Lucy as she handed over the crying little baby. She placed him in my arms. I burst our crying with tears of happiness and cradled him slowly.

"Shhh shhh hi there little guy. I'm your new mummy." I whispered "and this is your wonderful daddy" I said as I handed him over to Luke who carefully took him from my arms and cradled him.

"Welcome to the world, dude!" Said Luke as he used his finger to gently stroke his little hand. The baby gripped his little fingers around Luke's big finger. It was so beautiful to witness them bonding for the first time.

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