Chapter 14- The Morning After

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The next morning, I woke up with a headache. I suddenly opened my eyes fully to see that I was in Beaus room. But how did I get here? I can't remember a thing from last night...I got up to sit in the side of the bed but as soon as I stood up, I felt incredibly sore...Like sore in my 'downstairs area'...Of course the first thing I assumed is that I had just managed to hit myself there or maybe I bumped into something...

I was wearing Luke's shirt still so I went downstairs and saw Beau and Luke in the kitchen. Luke was preparing some toast and Beau was sitting on the counter drinking some water.

"Morning baby. How did you sleep?" Asked Luke after he turned around to see me standing there.

"Good morning. Fine thanks!" I replied back to Luke.

I looked over to smile at Beau but he did not smile back. He looked frustrated, or angry. But certainty not happy. I wish I could remember what happened last night...Maybe I said something mean to Beau?

Beau got off of the counter and left the kitchen in a hurry, slightly barging into my arm as he went past. He didn't even say sorry. I guess he did it on purpose but I still don't know what's up with him..

"Luke what's up with Beau? He seems angry...Is it something I did or said to him? I can't remember a thing from last night...."

"I don't know. He's been like this all morning..I'm sure it's nothing though. So what do you want to do today baby?"

"Oh I don't mind! Umm how about the beach? It's a lovely day and I'd rather do something relaxing since I've got a bit of a hangover.."

"Ok then. The beach it is! I'll go and tell the boys to get ready."

Luke went off to tell Beau and Jai that we were all going to the beach. Then he called James and Daniel.

I was still in the kitchen, trying to piece together what happened last night.

I looked around and saw all the empty alcohol bottles and remembered how drunk I had been- that was for certain. Then I walked into the lounge and remembered watching the film. Oh gosh that's when I felt ill..then I went to bed...Luke's bed....ewww then I threw up.....

I went upstairs to the bathroom where I had been sick last night. I was looking around when I turned to see Beau standing there. I decided to confront him there and then.

"Beau why are you angry with me? What have I done to make you act like this around me?"

"Kayla, I'm not angry with you. I'm angry with myself."

"How could you possibly be angry with yourself?"

"Don't you remember what happened last night..?"

"No. Why, should I?"

"Umm lets go to my room...It's a bit more private in there.." Said beau as he lead the way to his bedroom. I sat on the bed and he locked his door. Hmmm this all seems familiar...

Beau came and sat beside me on the bed. "Kayla, I'm angry at myself because...Ok well don't get angry with me...but....I..umm..we may have shared a kiss or two last night..."

"What?! But..I can't remember kissing you! Oh gosh does Luke know?!"

"No. But I think it's best that he doesn't find out..Ummmm but Kayla, there's more..

"Oh no, what...?"

"We'll you have to understand that I was drunk and so were you..I couldn't control myself..So after kissing each other, we may have had sex."

I didn't say anything. I didn't need to say anything. My face said it all for me and beau could see it. He put his arms around me and said he was sorry but I didn't hug him back. I just sat there. I had to process what Beau had just confessed to me. He stood up and took my hand. He lead me over to Luke's room as he knew I needed some time alone. I had no option but to walk over there since Beau had to practically drag me over there. I walked with no emotion. Probably a similar look to a zombie.

Beau placed me gently onto Luke's bed. After that he just kind of stood there. I didn't make eye contact with him but I could still feel his eyes on me. After I rolled over on the bed to face the wall, Beau sighed and he quietly went to the door as I heard it close.

It suddenly hit me. I couldn't keep it in anymore and I burst out crying. I buried my face into Luke pillow in the hope that it would minimise the sound of me crying. I didn't want Luke to see me like this. I didn't want to see him at all. How am I ever going to face him after what I've done?

I cry my eyes out for a good 10 minutes before wiping me eyes on Luke's shirt. I found my clothes from last night and traded his shirt for my own stuff. After allowing my red eyes and face to die down a little, I headed out to the front door, trying to be as discrete as possible.

After frantically trying to find the keys to my own house, I shot up the stairs to my bedroom. I scanned my room before dashing to my desk. I hectically rummaged through each individual draw until I found what I was looking for. I grabbed it with one hand and with the other, I went in search of a screwdriver.

I found a small screwdriver in the cabinet downstairs. It will do. Just a few turns is all that's needed.

I put the screwdriver back and put the sharp object into my bag. I also placed my phone, some money and a bottle of water in there.

Finally, I left a note on the kitchen counter to my mum saying 'Mum, I'm staying at a friends house for a few nights to celebrate leaving school. Talk to you soon xx' it was a lie of course. I will come back. Just not now. I need some time to clear my head.

After doing a few last things, I was ready. I opened my front door and just took in the scenery. The beams of sunshine, she smell of freshly cut grass and the peaceful sound of birds chirping in the trees. I glanced over at the Brooks' house. There was no one in sight. Maybe Luke still thought I was in bed? Maybe he hadn't realised that I had left and was preparing to run away for a few days.

The coast was clear. It was now or never. I stepped outside and closed my door. Then I ran. I didn't know where I was going-but I ran.

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