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He can't win. He realised that long ago. He made too many mistakes and now there is no way of fixing them.

Reich sat at his office desk, leaning on his elbows while his head was in his hands gripping his hair. Stress was suffocating him, eating him from the inside out. He can no longer hold the Russians back. They broke through and now on the way to Berlin. He is coming for him. Fear pumped through his veins poisoning his mind.

NSDAP is gone. Reich did not know what happened to him, one day he was just gone leaving Reich to deal with all of this alone. If he weren't such a proud country represent, he would be weeping in the corner because of the heavy burden he had to carry on his back. But all he just wanted was to protect his people and to provide for them. To save his country from falling to great despair and oblivion. Why- How did it came this? Everything went so well at the beginning. He followed NSDAP's orders, the country was developing faster than ever, he barely had to lift a finger and Austria was annexed to him.

And then came the complicity.

Reich first met the Soviet Union in 1936 at the olympics in Berlin*.

Reich've been standing on a podium welcoming the countries and their sport teams when he came to face with the tall Russian. He gave an honest smile to the man and held out his hand for him to shake it. Soviet without much appreciation firmly took his hand and they both introduced themselves. This was their first ever interaction which then left Reich thinking back at the Russian maybe a bit more than necessary. Even though their ideologies were complete opposites Reich took a great interest in the other country.

The same day in the evening they held a little welcoming party in a bigger hall. All the countries were dressed up, chatting, dancing, laughing with each other. Reich was wearing an elegant black tuxedo with his signature cross pinned just above his heart. He was talking with Fascist Italy and Japanese Empire while sipping on some cocktails.

"You made this place really stunning Reich" said F.I. as he looked around the room.

"Why thank you, I also do think I did a great job. By the way Japan, this is your first time Berlin correct?" Asked Reich turning his head towards J.E.

"Mm, that is right."

"And how do you like it so far? Did you have time to look around the city?" Inquired the German.

"I actually was hoping for you to show me around. Your country, you know, is very different from mine." Reich raised an eyebrow at that.

"What? Is there something you don't like?"

"Its not that, I just don't understand why must you put your flag everywhere?" Said Japan a bit uncomfortably.

"Yeah Reich, don't you think that its a bit too much?" Popped in F.I.

"Ach, you two have no taste in decor." Said the German and took another sip of his drink. While he was drinking glanced around the hall and a certain tall man caught his eye.

The Russian was trying to make his way to the balcony through the crowd. Reich excused himself and decided to follow the country. When he got to the balcony he saw the man leaning against the stone railing smoking while looking at the night landscape in front of him. He didn't seem to notice Reich so the smaller country cleared his throat which at the Russian turned his head.

He didn't wear his usual ushanka so some of his hair fell in front of his eyes. He was also wearing a dress shirt with its sleeves folded up to his elbows and brown dress pants. With his looks Reich found the man really appealing.

"How come you're not celebrating?" Asked the German.

"Just came out for a smoke." Answered the man.

"You can smoke inside too, you know."

"I don't like crowded places." The German hummed as a response and made his way next to Soviet. "And why aren't you celebrating? You're the host." Now it was the Russian's turn to ask questions.

"I guess I don't like crowded places as well" a small smile appeared on Reich's face. Soviet just scoffed at that, and took out a cigarette holder from his pocket offering Reich one. Reich took a cigarette put it between his lips and the Russian lighted it up for him. He inhaled the smoke and could feel himself getting more and more relaxed. The past days he had been all over the place arranging everything to be perfect because NSDAP couldn't stop nagging him about it.

"So, Soviet, can I call you Soviet? Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is way too long." Started Reich

"Only if I can call you Reich, not that Third Reich would be that long...but its way more energy than I am willing to spend on you." Answered the Russian coldly

"Oh sure! Please, call me whatever you'd like" waved Reich his hand while laughing a bit "So, Soviet how come we never had the chance to meet before? Man only hear words, but you must not be a very public person then."

"I am simply not interested in world-wide politics and economics, however I did hear about you." He said as he took a drag from his cigarette.

"Oh really? And what did you hear?" Asked Reich as he shifted his weight from one leg to another, turning his full body towards the taller country while leaning with his arms on the stone railing.

"People think you are someone who should be avoided. That you killed your own brother."

"And you think that too?"

"I don't know just yet." Replied the man calmly. "I don't believe in gossip and the rest is completely depends on you." Soviet then eyed the German seeking for any annoyance that might appear on his face, body language or a change of behaviour but he found nothing. Reich then curled his lips into a sly smile.

"So that means I still got a chance?" The Russian huffed at that but still a smile was present on his face from the smaller country

"After this sentence I'm not so sure."

"Would you like a drink dear Soviet?"

"But of course!"

"I'll be right back then, Liebling." Said Reich and made his way back towards the door .

"You better bring something strong or your bed might break tonight." The Russian shouted after him as he left the balcony leaving Soviet alone. 
*For convenience's sake I made the USSR participate in the olympics. They actually did not take part in the games until 1952

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