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Looked up Soviet from his desk as he saw the German enter his office.

"Hi Soviet..." Reich seemed a bit off? Almost as someone who is lost. He looked quite bad. Dark circles rested under his eyes staring into the thin air. He probably hasn't slept for a while now.

He nervously shifted from one leg to another fidgeting with his cuffs.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in Berlin?" Asked Soviet clearly confused.

"I..." He started but couldn't get any more words out of himself and just started scratching himself even more nervously.

"Never mind it, I'm sure you handled everything you needed to." Soviet with that stood up from his desk and walked to the German and pulled him into a hug which Reich returned hesitantly.

"I'm really happy to see you Reich." Sighed Soviet.

It truly has been quite a while since the two last saw each other. Soviet was missing the Reich, their time spent together. They used to walk together in the Russian's park enjoying fresh air while mindlessly talking about anything and everything. No one else mattered at those moments it was only the two of them. It made a special tingling feeling inside Soviet that he could not describe.

It was warm and fulfilling. He missed the warmth of Reich. The warmth of his touches, the warmth of his lips, the warmth of their bodies pressing to each other. The warm sounds the two of them would emit while drowning to each other's form, melting into each other. At those moments their heart would beat synchronously. Their breath would mingle together.

He brushed is nose into the crook of the German's neck, inhaling deeply and smelling the cologne he wore. It was an interesting mix of mint and sandalwood with its characteristic smell of alcohol. A slight fragrance of smoke and tobacco stuck onto his uniform. But the union noticed something else too. A weird acidic smell, which meant that the German still took those drug pills.

This fact bugged the Russian's mind. He tried so many times explaining it to Reich that drugs have a long lasting effect on one's health and its not unconditionally good for his health or mind, but his rants always reached deaf ears. Once he tried hiding the pills but the German just got panicked that it was worse than when he didn't take them at all.

"I've missed you" Soviet quietly said. At first Reich stirred but eventually told the Russian that he missed him too. After they finally parted Soviet finally asked Reich about his doings.

"It's strange that you came here unannounced."

"Yeah..well sorry I didn't want to disturb you or anything. This supposed to be a quick visit. I just wanted to see you..." said the German looking to the side.

"Oh! No you could never disturb me dear. Don't get me wrong I am happy to see you. It's just unusual of you to randomly appear. And I thought you were busy with the war with Britanska?" Reich took off his hat and sat down on the couch situated at the other side of the office.

"...could I ask for something to drink? Something stronger preferably?" He asked while his hands were twitching, he wanted to squeeze his hat in his hands to sooth his nerves but tried to refrain from it with every cell of his body since he did not want to ruin the piece of clothing. Soviet just stared at him blankly for a moment. It was rare that the German was the one propose for drinking, since as a matter of fact he did not hold his alcohol well, unlike the Russian.


He went to a cupboard and took out two crystal glasses, then went to look for some alcohol. He had many types of bottles from many countries and variety of ages, even though the Russian himself would often just stick with vodka, however looking at the Germans's state it probably wouldn't be the best choice. As he was scanning through his collection his eyes landed on an unopened bottle of whiskey.
Well thats just jolly.
He grabbed the bottle's neck and set it on the coffee table alongside with the glasses. He then opened the bottle and poured a drink for both of them. During this process none of them had said a word and the silence of the room turned to be quite uncomfortable. Reich reached for his glass and quickly downed his drink without sparing a glance at Soviet, then he slapped his glass back onto the table with a loud bang. He exhaled loudly and only then did he look at the Russian.

"Sorry about that... but anyway, I wanted to ask how are you? I'm sorry that I can't be here much but it seems like my original plans had gone to a little south and I had to change and arrange everything so abruptly." Said the German and then sighed deeply. "But now I organised everything so I finally got the time to come here." A little smile appeared on his face.

"I missed you too Soviet." The Russian returned the smile and also downed his drink then he began to pour another round.

"Well, I'm happy to have you around. Life almost started to get boring." He joked.

They began to chat about bits of their life and the happenings of the past few months. As the time slipped by so did the amount of alcohol. Whereas both embodiment of countries was known to have a great hold of their drink, even Soviet started to get tipsy. It was not much of surprise to be honest, whiskey is known for its high alcohol percentage. Reich's mood seemed to light up. They drank and they laughed and drank some more.

With a never leaving smile Reich reached for his inner pocket and took out a delicately designed cigarette holder.

"Just like old times nicht wahr?" He said and got to a half kneeling position on the floor like he was about to propose. Soviet propped up his head with his hand and looked down at the German with a curious face.

"Soviet dear, wouldn't you like to join me for a cigarette?" Said Reich and opened the cigarette holder laughing. Soviet playing along, gasped and dramatically whipped his head.

"Reich, you dirty fascist! You really want to push my poor soul into doing bad things don't you?" He said laughing and took out a cigarette. He put it in his mouth and the German was eager to light it up. After the cigarette light up the Russian sighed deeply exhaling smoke, feeling the effects of nicotine hitting him immediately.
Closing his eyes, the world came to a stop, everything slowed down and his body began to feel numb. When he opened them again he noticed that Reich did not take a cigarette for himself which left the Russian in mild confusion.

"I thought you're gonna smoke too."

"Well..." the German looked away and began to blush slightly. "...I-I thought that maybe we could share one?"

Now everything made sense.

A sly smirk appeared on the Russian's face. It was indeed just like old times. Soviet didn't say anything just kept on smiling and spread his legs a bit, he then tapped on one of his thighs a few times as an invitation for the German to sit on his lap.

Reich lowered his head a bit blushing more, then got up, got closer and throw his leg over the Russian. He hoisted himself a bit in order to get more comfortable the Russian put one of his hands on his waist to help him keep steady, then Reich lowered down as close to Soviet as he could. He put his hands on Soviet's shoulders and looked down at him, a fiery possessive passion glowing in his eyes.

From the outside he looked like a starving wolf looking down at its prey. Saliva gathered in his mouth and he could not help but swallow it down loudly. He curled up his lips in a bare teeth smile.

He is going to eat Soviet alive.

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