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Not soon after the knock was heard the door opened. Soviet stood by the door frame, he excused himself and then he entered the room. He went around the bed and placed the chair that had been positioned by the office desk next to Reich so the chair's back faced the German. He then sat on it, his long legs spread out curling around the chairs legs and his arms rested on the backrest. He hasn't said a word yet and Reich was very confused.

Did he do something he shouldn't have? Shit, he must have done something. Awkward silence filled the room. Reich shifted a bit because he realised he was still hugging his knees. At last Soviet was the first one to break the silence.

"Are you alright?" The question caught the German off guard. He was not sure how to respond

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine..."

"How long have you been taking drugs?"

Uh oh,

"Excuse me, for my behaviour and attitude but I don't think it's any of your concerns."

"It's not my concern? So you just barge into my home high off of your mind with the supposed intention to make a pact with me even though I literally have not heard a word from you in years?" The German flinched at that and looked down in shame.

"I'm sorry for not contacting you and I do wish I had done differently." The Russian scoffed at that and stood up.

"Get dressed, breakfast will be ready soon, then we can talk about the matter." With that he left the room leaving Reich alone again.

The German leaned back squeezed his eyes shut and grimaced. God he was in a very shit position.

He quickly got dressed and readied himself to go down. All of his luggage were brought to his room so he took a new uniform out from one of his suitcases because the one he currently was wearing had a lot of wrinkles on it from his not so peaceful sleep.

He took one last look in the mirror, huge dark circles danced under his eyes and his eyes were slightly bloodshot. Yeah, not the most persuasive look. He straightened his hair for the sake of matter then decided to leave the room.

He went down the halls till he found the big diner the Russian had. A long table stretched through the room and a fancy chandelier was hanging above it. From the many seats Reich assumed that they're for Soviet's children, however only two place had been set at the far end, the head of the table and the place on the right to it.

Soviet was not there yet and Reich didn't want to sit down until he arrived, he was very insistent to etiquette and traditions and it would certainly be rude to sit down when the host is not present yet. It would only decrease even more his chances to form a pact anyway. So he decided to wait.

While he waited he observed the pictures on the walls. On one painting there was the Soviet Union as kid with another two countries. One of them was similar at age to Soviet, they were standing on each side of the picture and in the middle there was a tall country. He had a serious expression on his face even though one hair strand fell over his face. He had shoulder-length slicked back dark hair. A fancy uniform stretched on his chest and he wore an eyepatch over his right eye. He had his gloved hands put on the two kids who wore neutral, bit intimidated expressions.

The picture was well painted, Reich admired the details the artist put into his work, the swirls and the twirls with the paintbrush, he had always found art quite fascinating. As Reich was looking at the picture the Soviet Union made his way to the diner. He saw Reich standing in front of the painting deep in his thoughts.

"Good morning." He said as he made his way next to the German.

Reich snapped his head towards the sound and when he realised that it was the soviet union he also greeted him and turned his head back at the picture.

"Is this your father?"

"...well yes, that is my father Russian Empire. Next to him is me and my brother." Said Soviet but a bit of sorrow could be heard in his voice.

"I didn't know you have a brother."

"Yeah, not many knows about him, he is also not around anymore. Anyway, Shall we sit down?" Said the Russian and Reich's eyes narrowed a bit but decided not to ask about it yet. He instead followed Soviet to the table and they both sat down.

A few servants brought out the food and they began eating silently. Reich appreciated the silence, nothing could annoy him more when someone was talking with a full mouth or chewing loudly so he was pleased with the Russian's manners.

After they finished eating Soviet light up a cigarette. As he blew out the smoke Reich unintentionally thought back at the night he had spent with the Russian. A weird craving feeling clawed up in his stomach which he tried to push down. He didn't even notice but a small smile made its way to his lips, Soviet however noticed it but decided against asking about it.

After he finished smoking the two of them made their way to Soviet's office once again. This time with the German keeping his posture. When the Russian opened the door Reich's eyes were immediately fixed on the figure standing in the far corner of the room.

"Is everything alright?" Asked Soviet looking at the German. Reich looked away from the figure down to the floor. He clenched his fist beside himself then took a deep breath.

"Yeah. Everything is fine" he turned around to face the Russian and he grinned at him. "Now, shall we begin?"

NSDAP stood in the corner ever present toothy smile on his face as he watched the two countries enter the room.

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